Crawler and data analysis code for the paper "A Deeper Look at Web Content Availability and Consistency over HTTP/S" presented at Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA) 2020.
Web administrators can use our standalone script misconfigurationDetectionTool/ which takes only one argument, the site name, to check for potential HTTPS misconfigurations on their sites. At a high-level, it first launches recursive deep crawls to look for 250 internal links from the site (or from its HTTPS-supporting subdomains). Then, it opens each link multiple times over HTTP/S to assess web content availability and consistency issues.
The script is different from those used for the research study in the following ways:
- It skips the robots.txt checks, to allow for a better crawl.
- It identifies itself using a dummy user-agent.
- It does not wait for one day to re-confirm detected instances of unavailabilities/inconsistencies, but rather does it right away (the assumption here is that a site should not block the requests sent by this script, when launched by the site administrator).
- It does not amortize crawl load across a set of sites.
To use the script, install Python 3 dependencies specified in misconfigurationDetectionTool/requirements.txt, and then run python3 After the process has finished, look for files (if created) /tmp/content-differences.txt and /tmp/content-unavailabilities.txt for a list of URLs with issues. You should then be able to debug if the issues reflect any HTTPS misconfigurations on your site(s), by manually opening each URL over both HTTP and HTTPS in incognito browser sessions. For advanced usage, all the parameters used by the script are defined right in the start, so you may want to give that a look as well.
The structure for the rest of repository is as follows:
├── chrome_fetch/ # Script for accessing a page content using Chromium, via remote debug protocol
├── # Script for processing a single website (Python-based pipelines)
├── # Script for processing a single website (Chromium based pipeline)
├── # Script for parallelizing processing for a set of websites
├── # Script for archiving results for a set of websites
├── content*.py # Script for further processing archived results generated using and Parallelizes on multiple .zip files for faster processing.
├── # Script for getting final list of content unavailabilities (i.e. a slow follow-up crawl)
├── # Script for getting final list of content differences (i.e. a slow follow-up crawl using parameters alpha, beta and gamma)
└── others/* # Other scripts
Configure the parameters in to tune the crawl speed / websites list and launch it with Python 3. Crawl depth can be controlled via the totalLinks parameter in inaccessible*.py. Requirements.txt file is available for configuring dependencies.
The structure of the generated results directory will be:
├── links/ # Internal links saved for each domain
├── logs/ # Logs for each domain to record crawler activity
├── summary/ # Content crawled for each domain
├── doneDomains.txt # List of successfully processed domains
└── time-dist.txt # Cumulative time taken for processing domains
Each file in the summary directory will correspond to results for a single website. Each line within the file will correspond to results for a particular internal link. Results are delimited with *** chars and include:
├── internal link URL
├── URL for where the internal link was referenced
├── success over HTTP (bool)
├── success over HTTPS (bool)
├── error, if any, over HTTP
├── error, if any, over HTTPS
├── final URL over HTTP
├── final URL over HTTPS
├── time taken for HTTP
├── time taken for HTTPS
├── headers received over HTTP
├── headers received over HTTPS
├── base64-encoded body received over HTTP (only if byte-wise different than https)
├── base64-encoded body received over HTTPS (only if byte-wise different than https)
├── # Script for filtering content differences results using a stricter threshold
├── # Script for comparing HTTPS adoption metrics (Table III)
├── # Script for generating all paper figures
├── # Script for analyzing misconfigured redirections (Table I and II)
├── # Script for finding 100 sample websites to use during cross-validation of results (Section IV-A)
├── # Script for validating which results from Python-based pipeline also appear in Chromium-based pipeline
├── # Script for validating missing results in Chromium-based pipeline still appear in Python-based pipeline
└── analysis-data/ # All results used in the analysis
We have data crawled for ~68k HTTPS supporting websites, which includes their internal links (at most 250) as well as content retrieved over HTTP/S (only if byte-wise different). It is around ~500GB in size, and we can make it available upon request. For ethical concerns, the data can only be used for research purposes. Please contact us at [email protected] for support. Although for testing purposes, we provide easy access to a sample of the crawled data (see Releases).