I got a school assignment that required implementing a linked list in a systems language, so I decided to try out Zig.
I triet to code in a way idiomatic to Zig. For example, the main struct has
that takes a reference to an allocator as a prameter. Still though, the resulting
struct is a de facto class.
To try out, first install Zig. Then, open a shell at the repository root and run the tests with.
zig build test
To both generate the documentation and build the object files, run:
zig build-lib -D optimize=ReleaseSafe src/main.zig -femit-docs
The documentation entry point will be at docs/index.html
Basic usage:
const std = @import("std");
var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
const allocator = gpa.allocator();
var my_list = LinkedList(i64).init(&allocator);
defer my_list.deinit();
my_list.insert_at(4, 1);
my_list.insert_at(6, my_list.len);
for (0..my_list.len) |_| {
std.debug.print("{s}\n", .{my_list.pop_head()});