This repository is the template for workshops offered by NCEAS Scientific Computing Support (SciComp) Team. This repository (and by extension, future workshops' repositories) creates a website with Quarto meaning that web pages can be written with Markdown syntax. Following the steps below when creating a new workshop repository guarantees a consistent structure and aesthetic across all workshops (i.e., a consistent "brand").
The development of this training material is supported through the Long Term Ecological Research Network Office (LNO) (NSF award numbers 1545288 and 1929393) and the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, UC Santa Barbara.
Citation: Nick J Lyon, Angel Chen, and Julien Brun. 2023. <WORKSHOP NAME>. LNO Scientific Computing Team.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Fork this repository to your GitHub profile
Rename the repository by replacing "template" with 1-2 words about the workshop content
- E.g., "scicomp-workshop-github", "scicomp-workshop-tidyverse", etc.
Transfer ownership of the repository to someone who can make public repositories on the NCEAS GitHub Organization
- Likely Julien Brun brunj7
Create content for the workshop in separate .qmd files
- Note that you'll need to add the names of each file to the "_quarto.yml" file for the pages to be included in the Quarto website
Render content by running
quarto render
in the Terminal -
Deploy the website with GitHub Pages
- A) On the repository's GitHub page, click "Settings"
- B) In the left sidebar, scroll down to "Pages" (under the "Code and Automation" subheading)
- C) In the dropdown that says "None" select "main"
- D) In the dropdown that says "/ (root)" select "/docs"
- E) Click "Save"
- F) Copy the link that produces
- G) Paste the link into the "About" section of the repository to make it easier to find later
Note that this is not related to the above instructions on how to create a new workshop from this template. This is included just "for your information" in case you are curious.
There are several paths to creating a website with Quarto but this one was created by doing the following:
I) Create a GitHub repository with a README and .gitignore
II) Run quarto create-project myproject --type website
in the Terminal - Note that "myproject" should be the same as your repo name or you'll need to drag some files around
III) Create a file called ".nojekyll" by running touch .nojekyll
in the Terminal
IV) That's it!