EventStoreDB is the open-source, functional database with Complex Event Processing in Javascript.
This repository contains documentation for both server and client SDK.
Feel free to create a GitHub issue if you have any questions or request for more explanation or samples.
We're open for any contribution. If you noticed some inconsistency, missing piece, or you'd like to extend existing docs - we'll be happy to get your Pull Request.
GRPC Clients:
Documentation is written using VuePress.
installed (see installation guide).Yarn
installed (see installation guide).
- Clone the repo
- Run
yarn install
- Run
yarn docs:dev
To run the production build that will import documentation from database and client repositories run:
yarn docs:build-prod
To import documentation from external repositories:
yarn docs:import
To build documentation without importing documentation:
yarn docs:build
Documentation is using Algolia for indexing and searching through the contents.
To run Algolia search locally, create .algolia/.env file filled with contents based on the Algolia configuration:
Note: Make sure that you saved it with LF eol characters.
The scraping script uses a Docker, so you need to have Docker installed and running before running it.
Go to the .algolia folder and run the script.
Note: On windows we recommend to run the script in Git Bash.
To add new language snippet it's needed to add import of Prism.JS plugin to VuePress plugins config, e.g.:
import "prismjs/components/prism-java";
EPERM: operation not permitted
duringyarn install
- this error may appear if you've run theyarn install
from Windows before running it on the WSL2. See troubleshooting link.- If
yarn docs:dev
fails, verify if your path does not contain spaces. We noticed some issues related to that.
ERROR: There are no scenarios; must have at least one.
while runningyarn
commands. Ubuntu has preinstalledcmdtest
package that registers conflictingyarn
. You might need to uninstall it and then configure yarn again. See troubleshooting link
run yarn predocs:build