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Cosmo is a language replacing awful C++'s compile-time magics. This is only some thinking about getting rid of C++ under the fact that we cannot get rid of using C++ libraries.

What's basic idea?

It sees cosmo functions and evaluate the type parts in the functions. The resulting functions is simply generated to C++ code.


import "@lib/c++/vector";

// A function returning a type
def CppVec[T]: Type = cstd.vector(T);

def main() = {
  val vec = CppVec(u8)();



Build and Run


  • scala 3.3.3
  • sbt
  • C++ compiler supporting C++17
    • MSVC, Clang, or GCC
yarn compile && node cmd/cosmo/main.js run samples/HelloWorld/main.cos

Implementation Note


  • Literals
    • Integer
    • Float
    • Boolean
    • String
  • Compound Literals
    • Template Literals
    • Char
    • Bytes
    • Byte
    • Array
    • Dict
    • Lambda
  • Declarations and Statements
    • Variable
    • Function
    • Class
    • Enum Class
    • Trait
    • Impl
    • Import
  • Expressions
    • Binary
    • Unary
    • As
    • Match
    • If
    • For
    • While
    • Loop
    • Break/Continue/Return
    • Block
  • Decorators/Macros
    • Decorator
    • Macro

Value Semantics:

  • Literals
    • TodoLit
    • BoolLit
    • IntLit
      • i32
      • bigint
    • FloatLit
    • StringLit
    • SelfVal, SelfTy
    • Identifier
    • argsLit
  • Control Flow
    • block
    • Loop
    • While
    • For
    • Break
    • Continue
    • Return
    • If
  • Operations
    • valueExpr
    • typeExpr
    • unOp
      • RefMut
      • Ref
      • Mut
      • deref
    • binOp
      • select
      • asExpr
      • matchExpr
      • apply
        • applyCTypes
        • applyFunc
        • applyClass
        • applyType
        • applyTemplate
      • keyedPair
      • decorate
  • Declarations
    • import
    • varItem
    • defItem
    • classItem
    • implItem

Type Operations:

  • associateImpl
  • cast
    • castArgs
    • castTo
  • eval
  • lift
  • coerce
  • normalize
  • isSubtype

Type Guards:

  • checkedMut


See Design Docs.

Syntax: Function

External types can be handled by builtin external function:

def CppVec(T: Type): Type = cstd.vector(T);

Function body can be a type:

def Source /* inferred as : Type */ = class {
  val data = Vec(u8)
def Pair(Lhs: Type, Rhs: Type) /* inferred as : Type */ = (Lhs, Rhs);

Lifted values must be known and evaluated at compile-time

def lift(implicit T: Type)(v: T) = Type(v);
val True = lift(true);
// or
val False = Type(false);

The signature of lift looks a bit unfamiliar, but when we rewrite this with constraint list syntax, it looks like this:

def lift[T](v: T) = Type(v);

Or simply as:

type lift = Type;

This tells us the "template arguments" in Cosmo, such as [T], are the first arguments. The T is the first parameter of lift and has the type Type, which is the type of all cosmo types of values. When parameters are given, the cosmo compiler will evaluate these parameters at compile time and generate remaining part as a runtime function. In particular, functions whose parameters are all types, like lift, will be evaluated at compile time completely.

Syntax: Trait

Traits are classes containing unimplemented methods, while you can provide default impls:

trait Unsigned[T] {
  def asUint64(&self): u64 = staticCast(u64)(self);

Constraints are compile-time assertions containing type expressions:

trait Unsigned[T] {
  assert(T == u8 or T == u16 or T == u32 or T == u64);
  def asUint64(&self): u64 = staticCast(u64)(self);

You can also put constraints inside of the constraint list:

trait Unsigned[T, T == u8 or T == u16 or T == u32 or T == u64] {}

or simply as:

trait Unsigned[T <: u8 | u16 | u32 | u64] {}

Syntax: Higher-Kinded Types

Constructing a type from a type expression:

def RoundBits[T] = if (IsUnsigned(T)) {
} else {

Syntax: ADT and Pattern Matching

Enum classes and pattern matching share a same syntax:

// Enum class will be translated into tagged union
class Nat {
  case Zero
  case Succ(Nat)

def add(A: Nat, B: Nat): Nat = A match {
  case Zero => B
  case Succ(B) => Succ(Add(A, B))

GADT is also supported:

class VecGADT[n: u32, T] {
  case Nil: VecGADT[0, T]
  case Cons(T, VecGADT[n - 1, T]): VecGADT[n, T]

impl[n: u32, T] VecGADT[n, T] {
  def concat[m: u32](self, v: VecGADT[m, T]): VecGADT[n + m, T] = self match {
    case Nil => v
    case Cons(h, t /* n - 1 */) => Cons(h, t.concat(v) /* n - 1 + m */) // n + m


The runtime behavior depends on C++.


Cosmo is a language replacing awful C++'s compile-time magics







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