This is an example of a theme for Mustached Robot.
If you want to add this theme to your Mustached Robot, add the following to the composer.json file of your installation:
"require": {
... // Dependencies of your current installation
"mustached-robot/twitter": "dev-master"
"repositories": [
// ... Repositories of your current installation
"type": "vcs",
"url": "[email protected]:MustachedRobot/themeExample.git"
Then run composer update to get the project and install the CSS and the images into your project.
When the theme is installed (when you run composer install or update), a new CSS is generated in the /public/assets/theme-example/ directory. Then this CSS is loaded on every template of the installation.
This is done with the getCss() function of the Theme class:
public function getCss()
return array(
'path' => 'assets/main.css',
'version' => 1,
Also, when the theme is installed, all the images in the /assets/img of the directory are copied in the project directory /public/assets/img/[plugin_name]/.