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Murhaf Sousli edited this page Oct 6, 2018 · 19 revisions



$ npm i -S @ngx-progressbar/core


yarn add @ngx-progressbar/core



Import NgProgressModule in the root module

import { NgProgressModule } from '@ngx-progressbar/core';

  imports: [

config is an optional parameter to set a global config for the progress bar(s).

Example 1: Accessing the progress bar from the template

<ng-progress #progressBar></ng-progress>
<button (click)="progressBar.start()">Start</button>
<button (click)="progressBar.complete()">Complete</button>

Example 2: Accessing the progress bar from parent component

  selector: 'app-home',
  template: `
export class HomeComponent implements AfterViewInit {

  @ViewChild(NgProgressComponent) progressBar: NgProgressComponent;

  ngAfterViewInit() {

Example 3: Accessing the progress bar from anywhere

  selector: 'app-header',
  template: `
export class HeaderComponent {

  selector: 'app-home'
export class HomeComponent {

  progressRef: NgProgressRef;
  constructor(private progress: NgProgress) {
  ngOnInit() {
    this.progressRef = progress.ref();

  startLoading() {

  completeLoading() {

  changeProgressColor() {
    this.progressRef.setConfig({ color: 'green' });

NgProgress Component

<ng-progress [direction]="'ltr+'" [min]="20" [max]="1" [speed]="200"  [trickleSpeed]="300"
             [spinner]="true" [spinnerPosition]="'left'" [thick]="false" [meteor]="true"
             [color]="'red'" [ease]="'linear'"></ng-progress>
Name Default Description
[id] root Progress bar ID (used for multiple progress bars).
[direction] ltr+ Progress bar direction (ltr+, ltr-, rtl+, rtl-).
[trickleSpeed] 300 Progress trickling speed in ms.
[trickleFunc] Function A function that returns the trickling amount.
[debounceTime] 0 Debounce time before starting the progress bar in ms.
[speed] 200 Transition speed in ms.
[min] 8 Progress initial starting value.
[max] 100 Progress maximum value.
[ease] linear Progress ease function.
[spinner] true Display spinner.
[spinnerPosition] right Spinner position. (right, left).
[color] #1B95E0 Progress bar color.
[thick] false A thicker size of the progress bar.
[fixed] true Progress bar fixed position.
[meteor] true Meteor style.
(started) - Stream that emits when the progress bar has started.
(completed) - Stream that emits when the progress bar has completed.
start() - Starts the progress bar.
set(n) - Sets a percentage n (where n is between 0-100).
inc(n) - Increments by n (where n is between 0-100).
complete() - Completes the progress bar.
isStarted - Checks if the progress has started.
progress - NgProgressRef instance of the progress bar.

NgProgressRef Class

Name Description
NgProgressRef.start() Starts the progress.
NgProgressRef.set(n) Sets a percentage n (where n is between 0-100). Increments by n (where n is between 0-100).
NgProgressRef.complete() Completes the progress.
NgProgressRef.started Stream that emits when the progress has started.
NgProgressRef.completed Stream that emits when the progress has completed.
NgProgressRef.isStarted Checks if the progress has started.
NgProgressRef.state$ Stream that emits when progress has changed.

NgProgress Service

NgProgress Service is used to control the progress bar(s) from anywhere in the app

Name Description
NgProgress.destroyAll() Destroys all existing NgProgressRef instances.
NgProgress.ref(id?) Returns NgProgressRef instance by id.

You don't have to specify the id parameter unless you are using more than one progress bar

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