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Murhaf Sousli edited this page Oct 14, 2024 · 19 revisions


The progress bar component library provides a simple and customizable way to add progress bars to your application. The library includes the NgProgressbar component, which can be used to display a progress bar in your application.


To use the progress bar component library, you will need to install the ngx-progressbar package. You can do this using npm or yarn:

npm install ngx-progressbar


Accessing the Progress Bar Directly from the Template

To add a progress bar to your template and access it directly, use the <ng-progress> component and a template reference variable:

<ng-progress #progressBar="ngProgress"/>

<button (click)="progressBar.start()">Start</button>
<button (click)="progressBar.complete()">Complete</button>

Accessing the Progress Bar from the Component Code

Alternatively, you can add the progress bar and access the instance using the @ViewChild decorator:

import { NgProgressbar } from 'ngx-progressbar';

  standalone: true,
  selector: 'app-home',
  imports: [NgProgressbar],
  template: `
export class HomeComponent {
  @ViewChild(NgProgress) progressBar: NgProgress;

  start() {

NgProgress Component API

Name Default Description
[direction] ltr+ Progress bar direction (ltr+, ltr-, rtl+, rtl-).
[trickleSpeed] 300 Progress trickling speed in ms.
[trickleFunc] Function A function that returns the trickling amount.
[debounceTime] 0 Debounce time before starting the progress bar in ms.
[speed] 200 Transition speed in ms.
[min] 8 Progress initial starting value.
[max] 100 Progress maximum value.
[spinner] false Display spinner.
[spinnerPosition] right Spinner position. (right, left).
[relative] false Position the progress bar relative to parent.
[flat] false Flat style (disables meteor style).
(started) - Stream that emits when the progress bar has started.
(completed) - Stream that emits when the progress bar has completed.
start() - Starts the progress bar.
set(n) - Sets a percentage n (where n is between 0-100).
inc(n) - Increments by n (where n is between 0-100).
complete() - Completes the progress bar.
progressRef - NgProgressRef instance of the progress bar.

Here is an example of how to use the <ng-progress> component with some of the available options:

<ng-progress direction="ltr+" min="20" max="1" speed="200" trickleSpeed="300"
             ease="linear" relative flat spinner spinnerPosition="left"
             (started)="onStarted()" (complete)="onComplete()"/>

Automagic features

Use ngProgressHttp directive to start/complete the progress bar with http requests.

<ng-progress ngProgressHttp/>

More info on customizing ngProgressHttp can be found in http requests guide.

Use ngProgressRouter to start/complete the progress bar with router events.

<ng-progress ngProgressRouter/>

More info on customizing ngProgressRouter can be found in router events guide.