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Gallery API

Murhaf Sousli edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 55 revisions

Gallery Component API

Here is the list of inputs, outputs, and functions available in the GalleryComponent

Name Default Description
[scrollBehavior] smooth The transition behavior when the active item is changed
[navScrollBehavior] smooth The transition behavior when the active item is nav is clicked
[imageSize] cover Image size cover or contain
[thumbImageSize] cover Thumbnails image size cover or contain
[thumbDetached] false De-attach thumbnails slider from scrolling when active item changes
[items] [ ] Load items array GalleryItem[]
[loadingAttr] lazy Set the loading attribute for img and iframe elements
[loadingStrategy] default Set how items should load default, lazy and preload
[slidingDirection] horizontal Set sliding direction horizontal, vertical
[itemTemplate] Custom item template (removed in >= v11)
[thumbTemplate] Custom thumbnail template (removed in >= v11)
[loop] true loop for next() and prev() functions
[nav] true Show navigation buttons
[counter] true Show counter
[counterPosition] top Counter position top or bottom
[dots] false Show dots navigation
[dotsSize] 30 Dots size
[dotsPosition] bottom Dots position top or bottom
[thumb] true Show thumbnails navigation
[thumbMode] strict Thumbnails sliding mode strict or free
[thumbWidth] 120 Thumbnail width
[thumbHeight] 90 Thumbnail height
[thumbPosition] bottom Thumbnails position top, left, right, bottom
[thumbView] default Thumbnails view default or contain
[slidingDisabled] false Disable slider scrolling using touchpad / mobile panning
[slidingEase] default ease func The ease function used to scroll to active item / thumb
[slidingDuration] 468 The duration (ms) used to scroll to active item / thumb
[thumbSlidingDisabled] false Disable thumbnails scrolling using touchpad / mobile panning
[mouseSlidingDisabled] false Disable slider scrolling using mouse
[thumbMouseSlidingDisabled] false Disable thumbnails scrolling using mouse
[autoPlay] false Start slide show automatically
[autoHeight] false Set gallery height to active item height (only compatible with images)
[itemAutosize] false Allow each item to fit its image size (only compatible with images)
[thumbAutosize] false Allow each thumb to fit its image size
[playerInterval] 3000 Slide show interval
[disableThumb] false Disable Thumbnails clicks
[resizeDebounceTime] 0 The debounce time or delay in (ms) before adapting the gallery to the new size
[debug] false Display visuals to help debug the gallery
(indexChange) Stream that emits when current index changes
(itemsChange) Stream that emits when items change
(itemClick) Stream that emits when an item is clicked
(thumbClick) Stream that emits when a thumbnail is clicked
(error) Stream that emits when an error occurs
(playingChange) Stream that emits when playing the slide show changes
load(items) Load new items and reset the state
add(item, active?) Add a new item to the gallery
addImage(data, active?) Add an image item to the gallery
addVideo(data, active?) Add a video item to the gallery
addYoutube(data, active?) Add a youtube item to the gallery
addIframe(data, active?) Add an iframe item to the gallery
remove(index) Remove an existing item by index
set(index: number) Set active item
next() Set next item
prev() Set prev item
play(interval?) Start the slide show
stop() Stop the slide show
reset() Reset gallery to initial state

GalleryRef API

Use the GalleryRef to access and control a gallery, useful for the lightbox mode

Name Description
setConfig(config: GalleryConfig) Set gallery config
load(items) Load new items and reset the state
add(item, active?) Add a new item to the gallery
addImage(data, active?) Add an image item to the gallery
addVideo(data, active?) Add a video item to the gallery
addYoutube(data, active?) Add a youtube item to the gallery
addIframe(data, active?) Add an iframe item to the gallery
remove(index) Remove an existing item by index
set(index) Set active item
next() Set next item
prev() Set prev item
reset() Reset gallery to initial state
play(interval?) Start the slide show
stop() Stop the slide show
stateSnapshot. A snapshot of the current gallery state
state$ Stream that emits when gallery state changes
config$ Stream that emits when gallery config changes
initialized Stream that emits when gallery is initialised/reset
initialized Stream that emits when gallery is initialised/reset
indexChanged Stream that emits when current index is changed
itemsChanged Stream that emits when loaded items index is changed
itemClick Stream that emits when an item is clicked
thumbClick Stream that emits when a thumbnail is clicked
playingChanged Stream that emits when playing the slide show changes

Gallery Config API

You can use to set the default config for all galleries.

  loop: true

or for a specific gallery using the GalleryRef

const config: GalleryConfig = {
  autoPlay: true

Here are the available options in GalleryConfig

Name Default Description
scrollBehavior smooth The transition behavior when the active item is changed
navScrollBehavior smooth The transition behavior when the active item is nav is clicked
imageSize cover Image size cover or contain
thumbImageSize cover Thumbnails image size cover or contain
thumbDetached false De-attach thumbnails slider from scrolling when active item changes
loadingAttr lazy Set the loading attribute for img and iframe elements
loadingStrategy default Set how items should load default, lazy and preload
slidingDirection horizontal Set sliding direction horizontal, vertical
loop false loop for next() and prev() functions
counter true Show counter
counterPosition top Counter position top or bottom
nav true Show next and prev navigation
dots false Show dots navigation
dotsSize 30 Dots size
dotsPosition bottom Dots position top or bottom
thumb true Show thumbnails navigation
thumbWidth 120 Thumbnail width
thumbHeight 90 Thumbnail height
thumbPosition bottom Thumbnails position top, left, right, bottom
thumbView default Thumbnails view default or contain
thumbMode strict Thumbnails sliding mode strict or free
disableThumb false Disable Thumbnails clicks
slidingDisabled false Disable slider scrolling using touchpad / mobile panning
thumbSlidingDisabled false Disable thumbnails scrolling using touchpad / mobile panning
mouseSlidingDisabled false Disable slider scrolling using mouse
thumbMouseSlidingDisabled false Disable thumbnails scrolling using mouse
autoPlay false Start slide show automatically
autoHeight false Set gallery height to active item height (only compatible with images)
itemAutosize false Allow each item to fit its image size (only compatible with images)
thumbAutosize false Allow each thumb to fit its image size
resizeDebounceTime 0 The debounce time or delay in (ms) before adapting the gallery to the new size
playerInterval 3000 Slide show interval
slidingEase default ease func The ease function used to scroll to active item / thumb
slidingDuration 468 The duration (ms) used to scroll to active item / thumb
debug false Display visuals to help debug the gallery
navIcon default icon An inline SVG data for the next and prev navigation
loadingIcon default icon An inline SVG data for the image loader icon
thumbLoadingIcon default icon An inline SVG data for the thumb loader icon
loadingError Error template to display when image fail to load
thumbLoadingError Error template to display when thumb fail to load
itemTemplate Custom template that overrides any type of item template
imageTemplate Custom template to extend image templates
thumbTemplate Custom template to extend thumb templates
boxTemplate Custom template to display a static overlay over items

Gallery Service API

Name Description
ref(id?) Get GalleryRef by id
hasRef(id?) Check if a reference exists
resetAll() Reset all gallery instances
destroy(id?) Destroy gallery instance by Id
destroyAll() Destroy all galleries instances