This static library provides the required __register_mulle_objc_universe
function for executables, that link against
Release Version | Release Notes |
The main raison d'être of Foundation-startup as a seperate library is to bequeath the required dependencies mulle-atinit and mulle-atexit for linking with the executable.
Requirement | Release Version | Description |
Foundation | 💍 MulleFoundation with improved compatibility and legacy support | |
mulle-atinit | 🤱🏼 Compatibility library for deterministic initializers | |
mulle-atexit | 👼 Compatibility library to fix atexit |
Use mulle-sde to add Foundation-startup to your project:
mulle-sde add github:MulleFoundation/Foundation-startup
Use mulle-sde to build and install Foundation-startup and all dependencies:
mulle-sde install --prefix /usr/local \
Install the requirements:
Requirements | Description |
Foundation | 💍 MulleFoundation with improved compatibility and legacy support |
mulle-atinit | 🤱🏼 Compatibility library for deterministic initializers |
mulle-atexit | 👼 Compatibility library to fix atexit |
Download the latest tar or zip archive and unpack it.
Install Foundation-startup into /usr/local
with cmake:
cmake -B build \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local \
cmake --build build --config Release &&
cmake --install build --config Release
Nat! for Mulle kybernetiK