Japanese Navy Aircraft Carrier Shokaku type "Shokaku" immediately after completion photo public domain
✅ Currently being used by:
✅ Straightforward.
✅ Maintained.
✅ Reliable.
✅ Stable.
✅ Feature-rich.
✅ Very cute and reliable aircraft carrier ❤ (Very, very Important)
For Stable
npm i shoukaku
For Master
npm i Deivu/Shoukaku
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Serves as your guide on how I implement my own library
View Kongou's source code here
const { Client } = require('discord.js');
const { Shoukaku } = require('shoukaku');
const LavalinkServer = [{ name: 'Localhost', host: 'localhost', port: 6969, auth: 'big_weeb' }];
const ShoukakuOptions = { moveOnDisconnect: false, resumable: false, resumableTimeout: 30, reconnectTries: 2, restTimeout: 10000 };
class ExampleBot extends Client {
constructor(opts) {
this.shoukaku = new Shoukaku(this, LavalinkServer, ShoukakuOptions);
login(token) {
return super.login(token);
_setupShoukakuEvents() {
this.shoukaku.on('ready', (name) => console.log(`Lavalink Node: ${name} is now connected`));
// You must handle error event
this.shoukaku.on('error', (name, error) => console.log(`Lavalink Node: ${name} emitted an error.`, error));
this.shoukaku.on('close', (name, code, reason) => console.log(`Lavalink Node: ${name} closed with code ${code}. Reason: ${reason || 'No reason'}`));
this.shoukaku.on('disconnected', (name, reason) => console.log(`Lavalink Node: ${name} disconnected. Reason: ${reason || 'No reason'}`));
_setupClientEvents() {
this.on('message', async (msg) => {
if (msg.author.bot || !msg.guild) return;
if (!msg.content.startsWith('$play')) return;
if (this.shoukaku.getPlayer(msg.guild.id)) return;
const args = msg.content.split(' ');
if (!args[1]) return;
const node = this.shoukaku.getNode();
let data = await node.rest.resolve(args[1]);
if (!data) return;
const player = await node.joinVoiceChannel({
guildID: msg.guild.id,
voiceChannelID: msg.member.voice.channelID
const cleanFunction = (param) => {
player.on('end', cleanFunction);
player.on('closed', cleanFunction);
player.on('error', cleanFunction);
player.on('nodeDisconnect', cleanFunction);
await player.playTrack(data.tracks.shift()); // can also be "data.tracks.shift().track but that looks meme here since playTrack also accepts an instance of ShoukakuTrack
await msg.channel.send("Now Playing: " + data.info.title);
this.on('ready', () => console.log('Bot is now ready'));
new ExampleBot()