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Thomas Roder edited this page Mar 14, 2023 · 10 revisions

How to use the app

Simply opening overview.html or trait.html in the web browser does not work: browsers will not allow access to files on the local file system for security reasons. There are multiple ways of using the app:

a) local http server

python -m http.server --cgi 8080

This will start a web server to host your entire directory listing at http://localhost:8080/.

b) disable browser security features (not recommended)

  • Firefox: Set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false in about:config
  • Chrome (or Edge, etc.): Start the browser like this: chrome --allow-file-access-from-files


Navigate to overview.html in your browser or open our example output: small dataset or large dataset.



  • A) Dendrogram of traits.
    • blue rectangle: highlights a cluster of potentially related metabolites
  • B) Negative logarithms of the p-values calculated by Scoary2
    • p-values range from high (left) to low (right)
    • meaning of the symbols:
      • f: the p-value from Fisher’s test
      • e: the p-value from the post-hoc test
      • *: the product of the two values
  • C) Trait names
  • D) Pop-up that shows up when hovering over the traits in the dendrogram

See also: Understanding the p-values


  • Hovering over the traits opens a pop-up with more information, including information from trait_info.tsv
  • Middle mouse clicks open trait.html in a new tab
  • Clicks on the trait name at the very top of the pop-up opens trait.html


Navigate to trait.html?trait=<name-of-some-trait> in your browser or open our example output.


The second page (trait.html) of the Scoary2 data exploration tool.


  • A) Trait name: Click on Metadata or Trait info to see more information.
  • B) Phylogenetic tree of the isolates, name of the currently selected gene
  • C) Color bar
    • top row: presence (white) / absence (black) of orthogene
    • middle row: binarized trait
    • bottom row: continuous trait.
  • D) Interactive version of the results.tsv table, see above
    • it is possible to show / hide columns by clicking of the corresponding buttons
    • the list can be sorted by clicking on column titles
  • E) Interactive version of the coverage_matrix.tsv table, see above
    • the numbers in the cells tell the number of genes in the genome that have the annotation.
    • includes information from isolate_info.tsv
    • includes binary class and continuous values (if available) from values.tsv
  • F) Pie chart that shows how the orthogene and the trait intersect in the dataset.
  • G) Histogram of the continuous values, colored by whether each isolates has the orthogene (g+/g-) and the trait (t+/t-)


  • Clicks on a gene (in D and E)
    • updates the plots
    • depending on link-config, opens a pop-up with further options
  • Clicks on a cell in the coverage matrix (E)
    • depending on link-config, opens a pop-up with a list of genes (if the input was gene-list)


The file app/config.json modifies the behavior of trait.html.


(Self-explanatory parameters were omitted.)

  • table-config: Configuration for the Genes table (D)
    • sanitize-genes: PGAP formats some gene identifiers with stupid prefixes (e.g. gnl|extdb|GENE_000000); if set to true, these are removed
    • default-hidden-cols: column names from results.tsv which are hidden by default
    • float-cols: column names from results.tsv which are floats, not strings
  • tree-config: Configuration for the phylogenetic tree (visualized using
    • type: options: Diagonal, Hierarchical, Radial, Rectangular
    • leaf-nodes: options for shape property: click here
  • link-config: Configure the app to link with external pages (custom URLs)
    • single-gene: template string
      • used in coverage matrix (E)
      • placeholder: {gene}
    • many-genes:
      • dictionary with potentially multiple entries
      • key is a description
      • value is a template string
      • placeholders: {orthogene}, {have-isolates}, {lack-isolates}, {all-genes}, {positive-genes}, {negative-genes}, {unclear-genes}
    • concat-string: character(s) to combine arrays
Example used on demo site
  "colors": {
    "g+t+": "#1f78b4", "g+t-": "#a6cee3", "g+t?": "#e0f4ff", "g-t+": "#b2df8a", "g-t-": "#33a02c", "g-t?": "#edffdf"
  "table-config": {
    "sanitize-genes": true,
    "default-hidden-cols": ["sensitivity", "specificity", "odds_ratio", "contrasting", "supporting", "opposing", "best", "worst", "fisher_p"],
    "float-cols": ["fisher_p", "fisher_q", "empirical_p", "fq*ep", "best", "worst", "sensitivity", "specificity"]
  "tree-config": {
    "type": "Hierarchical",
    "height": 400,
    "leaf-nodes": {
      "g+": {"shape": "hexagon", "fillColour": "#000000"},
      "g-": {"shape": "diamond", "fillColour": "#e3e3e3"}
      "color-scale": ["yellow", "red"],
      "metadata-bars": {
        "g+": {"colour": "#000000", "label": "present"},
        "g-": {"colour": "#e3e3e3", "label": "absent"},
        "t+": {"colour": "red", "label": "present"},
        "t-": {"colour": "yellow", "label": "absent"},
        "t?": {"colour": "#ffffff", "label": "unclear"}
  "link-config": {
    "single-gene": "{gene}",
    "many-genes": {
      "gene trait matching": "{have-isolates}&g2={lack-isolates}",
      "compare genes": "{all-genes}"
    "concat-string": "+"
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