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RISC-V survey for open-source iCE40 boards (pico-ice)

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RISC-V implementation survey

TL;DR: See Synthesis toolchain and GCC Toolchain sections.

You'd need my other software (or forks) to run this test suite:

  • debug uart for uploading RISC-V program,
  • my pico-ice board firmware, specifically the my-dev branch for CTS line support and double UART,


Synthesis toolchain

  • Debian: sudo apt install iverilog yosys nextpnr-ice40 fpga-icestorm dfu-util.

Now try to build & upload one of the cores:

cd picorv32
make prgcram


Folder extra contains common Verilog code.

  • clk.v -- hosts PLL, generates 1MHz clock for system,
  • dbgu32.v -- debug module, see debug uart,
  • pwm.v -- PWM module,
  • ram32.v -- SPRAM module, 32bit wide,
  • timer.v -- timer module,
  • uart.v -- UART module, used by dbgu32.v,
  • uartblk.v -- standalone memory-mapped UART module.

Make targets

All RISC-V cores use the same Makefile template. Build Targets:

  • all -- synthesize, place & route, pack to bin, display utilisation,
  • sim -- simulate all testbenches,
  • verify -- run Icarus Verilog to verify syntax (recommended instead of yosys),
  • util -- print resource consumption (done with all),
  • cells -- print per module cell usage,
  • clean
  • prgflash -- use dfu-util to upload code to nonvolatile flash storage (pico-ice board),
  • prgcram -- program configuration RAM (same as above, only volatile).


Currenly unused.


This survey uses Yosys PicoRV32 implementation contained within picorv32-impl folder. picorv32 contains files specific to this project. Variants are set up by changing options inside crv32.v at core instantiation. Default options only enable performance counters.


Additional directory vexriscv-build is used for builing the core from Scala. Other folders are the same as PicoRV32. Variants are provided as separate files. Changing them requires Makefile modification.

  • VexRiscv_smprod_my.v -- Small & productive with modifications
  • VexRiscv_sm_my.v -- Small with modifications
  • VexRiscv_smprod_my_muldiv.v -- Small & productive with modifications and simple muldiv unit.

Modifications include cmdForkPersistence set to true and performance counters.


Tests can be found in core folders for ex. picorv32/tb. dep.v is a common file for all tests. Provided gtkw/ folder won't work for you, because of hardcoded paths to data files. Adjust [dumpfile] and [savefile] directives. src contains testbenches:

  • *_bus_instr.v -- jump to the same address,
  • *_bus_data_read.v -- try to read all memory types,
  • *_bus_data_write.v -- write zero to all PWMs,
  • *_bus_data_byte_access.v -- try to read/write singular bytes, tests write mask,
  • *_counters.v -- test cycle and instruction counters,
  • *_stack.v -- try to use stack,
  • *_uart0.v -- write uart and wait,
  • dbgu32_mem.v -- program memory cell by uart.

C test code

  • led.c -- test PWM,
  • led_breathe.c -- cycle through RGB leds,
  • counters.c -- tests performance counters required for Dhrystone benchmarking,
  • uart.c -- UART test, send "a" 10 times and stop,
  • sections.c -- test linker mappings,
  • ram_test.c -- test whole RAM,
  • delay.c -- busy-waiting, send character each 100ms,
  • time.c -- hardware timer test, send character each 100ms,
  • -- to be used with delay and time tests -- measures precision,
  • uart_comm.c -- send hello world, echo characters,
  • print_test.c -- test lightweight printf,

GCC Toolchain

Unfortunately, a lot of distros don't provide prebuilt packages for this simplest 32-bit architecture. Note: requires ~10GB of space and quite a bit of time. Install prerequisites:

  • Debian: sudo apt install build-essential texi2html texinfo gawk bison flex libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpfrc++-dev.

Tell me when some packages are still missing from this list. Now run this:

git clone
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
mkdir build-rv32i
cd build-rv32i
sudo mkdir /opt/riscv32i
sudo chown $USER /opt/riscv32i
../configure --with-arch=rv32i --prefix=/opt/riscv32i
make -j4

If case of any failures, rerun with single-core make and install missing packages. Add /opt/riscv/bin/ to $PATH. Now try to deploy the test files:

cd c

To upload selected .hex files with debug_uart/ (see here), use: ./ path/to/c/led.hex. Requires python3-intelhex. In case of LIBUSB_ERROR_ACCESS error, create /etc/udev/rules.d/80-lattice.rules with following contents:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", \
    ATTRS{idVendor}=="1209", \
    ATTRS{idProduct}=="b1c0", \
    MODE="660", \

This will grant access to pico-ice device to plugdev group members. Consider adding yourself to this group and reloading udev rules:

sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger


Provided linker script linker.ld links the object files into ROM (0x20000) and arrays into RAM(0x00000). Entry point of the code is the naked, .boot section _start function. Linker makes sure _start function comes first at the start of ROM. All tests initialize stack and jump to main.

Dumping testbench code

Provided file uses objdump and various shell utils to produce testbench code which will force the program into ROM at tests' start.


After testing the core with programs listed above, try running the provided benchmark. Dhrystone was modified to use callbacks to register performance counter / timers values.


  • .pcf -- Physical constraint file, to map toplevel's pins to package pins,
  • -- copies .gtkw testbench files and changes data reference names inside them,
  • -- custom script to list LUT consumption per module (run via cells target),
  • -- custom script to list general resource consumption (run via all or util targets).


RISC-V survey for open-source iCE40 boards (pico-ice)






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