This is an algorithm profiler made using C++17, using gnuplot and matplotplusplus.
- Make sure use have C++ 17
- Install matplotplusplus using vckpg or any other package manager
- Install gnuplot and make sure to add it to the system's PATH environment variable
- Modify data size if you wish or add new algorithms, then run
This program has a very simple functionality. It times a sorting algorithm against various data sizes and other algorithms, graphs it, then saves the results to disk in markdown format.
If you would like to see the results of QuickSort, MergeSort, BubbleSort, SelectionSort, and InsertionSort when run on my system, you can do so here: All Results
If you would like to see the results of the fastest Sorting algorithm for each of the data sizes I tested on my system, you can do so here: Fastest Algorithms For Each Data Size
This program uses gnuplot and matplotplusplus to graph the performance (time vs data size) for each of the Profiled Algorithms