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42header 📜

42header is a custom Neovim plugin written in Lua that generates a standardized header for source code files. The header includes information such as the filename, author, creation date, and last updated date, along with a custom ASCII art banner.

Features ✨

  • Automatically inserts a standard header at the top of supported file types.
  • Updates the "Updated" date in the header before saving the file.
  • Customizable ASCII art banner.
  • Supports multiple file types with appropriate comment styles.

Installation 🚀

Using packer.nvim

  1. Ensure you have packer.nvim installed. If not, follow the installation instructions on the packer.nvim GitHub page.

  2. Add the 42header plugin to your packer setup in your init.lua:

      -- Packer can manage itself
      use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim'
      -- Add the 42header plugin
      use {
        config = function()
          require('42header') -- Adjust the path if necessary
  3. Open Neovim and run the following command to install the plugin:


Using lazy.nvim

  1. Ensure you have lazy.nvim installed. If not, follow the installation instructions on the lazy.nvim GitHub page.

  2. Add the 42header plugin to your lazy.nvim setup in your init.lua:

      -- Other plugins
        config = function()
          require('42header') -- Adjust the path if necessary
  3. Open Neovim and run the following command to install the plugin:

    :Lazy sync

Usage 🛠️

  • To insert the standard header, use the command:

  • You can also use the shortcut F1 to insert the header.

  • The plugin automatically updates the "Updated" date in the header before saving the file.

Customization 🎨

You can customize the ASCII art, the default header settings, and the supported file types by editing the 42header.lua file.

Example Header

Example Header

License 📜

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request or open an Issue.

Acknowledgements 🙏

Inspired by 42 header standards and Neovim customization.


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