Repository for the IA5-Team-Project Web-App (Group FLAI)
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-name>
.env files must not be committed to the repository!
Username and password for the postgres superuser and regular user must be passed as parameters, the REST-server hostname can be passed as an optional parameter (the default is set correctly for a local Docker setup):
bash <superuser username> <superuser password> <regular user username> <regular user password> <rest-hostname>?
If env-variables should be changed for all repo users the corresponding array must be edited in the bash script.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Vue at http://localhost:3000
Express at http://localhost:5000
Adminer at http://localhost:7000
docker-compose down
rm -rf backend/postgres_db/pgdata
docker-compose down --rmi all
If the Gotham ScreenSmart font should be used instead of the fallback, insert the font-files into /frontend/flai_app/public/assets/fonts/
More documentation about the individual components can be found here: