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This set of tools used for FFI bindings generation for Bun.
Parser could be used for anything actually.

Generates from .h C file.

Currently latest Bun & TypeScript version should be used.

Will exec clang to get ast and type infos, so it should be available in PATH.

Feel free to write an issue with your header file, so I could tweak this package.

Tested on clang13 & bun 1.0.2 (upper versions requests macos update, goodbye bun)


bun install bun-ffi-gen


Example of generating bindings for wgpu library.

import { ClangTypeInfoCache, clangGetAstJson, CodeGen, parseClangAst, clangClean, addIncludeDir } from "bun-ffi-gen";
import path from "path";

const HEADER_PATH = "./wgpu/wgpu.h";
const TYPE_CACHE_PATH = "./generate-wgpu-bindings_cache";

// add include dirs for clang

// get header ast from clang
const wgpuAst = await clangGetAstJson(HEADER_PATH);

// create clang types cache (for sizeof / offsetof)
const clangTypeInfoCache = await ClangTypeInfoCache.create(TYPE_CACHE_PATH);

// parse ast
const result = parseClangAst(wgpuAst, HEADER_PATH, clangTypeInfoCache);

// update clang cache

// prepare code generation
const codeGen = new CodeGen({
    // see more options below
    funcSymbolsImportLibPathCode(out) {
            let _LIB_PATH: string = "";

            if (process.platform == "darwin") {
                _LIB_PATH =
                    import.meta.dir +
            } else {
                throw new Error("not supported wgpu bindings platform");

        return "_LIB_PATH";


if (codeGen.failedSymbols.size) {
    console.log("ffi failed for:");

// write output

// cleanup
await clangClean();

CodeGen options

Passed to constructor, all options are optional.

    // tab width (default 4)
    identWidth: number;

    // generate read_* code (default true)
    readers: boolean;

    // generate write_* code (default true)
    writers: boolean;

    // generate helpers code (default true)
    helpers: boolean;

    // generate types for func declarations (default false)
    // may overlap funcWrappers so dont use it untill you have manual bindings
    funcDeclTypes: boolean;

    // generate wrappers around imported func (default true)
    funcWrappers: boolean;

    // generate dlopen import code (default true)
    funcSymbolsImport: boolean;

    // some code that specifies library path for dlopen
    // overwrites `funcSymbolsImportLibPath`
    // should return variable name that contains library path
    // see example
    funcSymbolsImportLibPathCode: (out: string[]) => string;

    // library path, when you dont use `funcSymbolsImportLibPathCode`
    // may be smth like `import.meta.dir + "/mylib"`
    // bun's suffix will be appended
    funcSymbolsImportLibPath: string;

    // throw when smth fails (default false)
    // when false, prints log
    throwOnErrors: boolean;

    // generate STRUCT_NAME__ffi_size constants (default false)
    structSizes: boolean;

    // generate alloc_* code (default true)
    structAllocs: boolean;

Generated bindings

For example we have smth like this in .h file:

typedef struct WGPUSurfaceImpl *WGPUSurface;

typedef struct WGPUSurfaceConfiguration {
    WGPUChainedStruct const * nextInChain;
    WGPUDevice device;
    WGPUTextureFormat format;
    WGPUTextureUsageFlags usage;
    size_t viewFormatCount;
    WGPUTextureFormat const * viewFormats;
    WGPUCompositeAlphaMode alphaMode;
    uint32_t width;
    uint32_t height;
    WGPUPresentMode presentMode;

WGPU_EXPORT void wgpuSurfaceConfigure(WGPUSurface surface, WGPUSurfaceConfiguration const * config) WGPU_FUNCTION_ATTRIBUTE;

This will be produced:

type WGPUSurface = Pointer;
const read_WGPUSurface: (from: BunPointer, offset: number) => Pointer;
const write_WGPUSurface: (x: Pointer | TypedArrayPtr<any>, buffer: Buffer, offset: number) => void;

type WGPUSurfaceConfiguration = {
    nextInChain: ConstPtrT<WGPUChainedStruct>;
    device: WGPUDevice;
    format: WGPUTextureFormat;
    usage: WGPUTextureUsageFlags;
    viewFormatCount: size_t;
    viewFormats: ConstPtrT<WGPUTextureFormat>;
    alphaMode: WGPUCompositeAlphaMode;
    width: uint32_t;
    height: uint32_t;
    presentMode: WGPUPresentMode;
function read_WGPUSurfaceConfiguration(from: BunPointer, offset: number): WGPUSurfaceConfiguration;
function write_WGPUSurfaceConfiguration(data, buffer: Buffer, offset: number): void;
function alloc_WGPUSurfaceConfiguration(data, buffer?: Buffer): TypedArrayPtr<WGPUSurfaceConfiguration>;

function wgpuSurfaceConfigure(surface, config): void;

const bunImportedLib = dlopen(...);

Then you could do this things:

wgpuSurfaceConfigure(surface, {
    // all other fields are optional
    format: WGPUTextureFormat.WGPUTextureFormat_R16Sint,

// or allocate buffer manually
// by default all non specified fields will be 0
const buf = alloc_WGPUSurfaceConfiguration({});
wgpuSurfaceConfigure(surface, buf);


// allocates zeroed string
alloc_CString(str: string): BunCString;

// in case when you want to set some pointer to null
const NULL;

// when you want to read array of items from binary
// you could get cTypeSize from *__ffi_size constants when set structSizes=true in CodeGen
// itemReader is one of read_* funcs
bunReadArray(from, offset, cTypeSize, itemReader);


FFI bindings generator for Bun







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