A CMS driven library book management system built on top of Django. This is being developed by the Society of Software Engineers at RIT. More to come in the fall....
This script tries to automagically install prereqs for you with a package manager, and then sets up additional things you will need for working on the library. If your system doesn't have a compatible package manager, you can install the preqreqs manually and then run the rest of the install script as usual.
- Open PowerShell (cmd.exe will not work).
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://bit.ly/Rn6VNl") | Invoke-Expression
Pro Tip: You can right click to paste stuff into PowerShell.
- Read and follow the Homebrew and Python article.
bash <(curl https://raw.github.com/MorganCabral/sse-library/master/install.sh -o -) --no-prereqs
bash <(curl https://raw.github.com/MorganCabral/sse-library/master/install.sh -o -)
- Install Curl, Git, Python 2.7.x and PIP manually.
bash <(curl https://raw.github.com/MorganCabral/sse-library/master/install.sh -o -) --no-prereqs