Releases: Mohid-Water-Modelling-System/Mohid
This release contains binaries and libraries (DLLs) for the MOHIDWater and MOHIDLand code as found in the GitHub repository on October 2024. The release contains the source code used for compiling and the binaries with the following flavors:
64 bits double precision (x64): MOHID Water;
64 bits double precision OpenMP (x64_OpenMP): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
64 bits double precision MPI (x64_MPI): MOHID Water.
= Release Notes =
== MOHID Water ==
New features:
Jellyfish movement:
Described in Malul et al. 2024 (LagrangianGlobal) -
User can impose different settling velocities in different boxes
2D Output of vertical anomalies (max and min and respective depth)
Automatic domain decomposition following a chess pattern
New method to compute beach and unbeach litter (FreeLitter project) based in water column threshold
Add a Sample focus in litter beaching
Function to generate water level time series from a jonswap wave spectrum
Add the code of numerical recipes to the MOHID project
Update necessary to extract velocities from fes2014 via tideprev tool
Module_TS_Operator.f90 - "SmallTools" able to compute operation windows using logical operations using several input time series
New option for valve discharge and input time series to switch ON/OFF
Integration of SmallTools with GDAL allowing direct output in geotif
Corrected bugs:
- No significant bugs detected
== MOHID Land ==
Corrected bugs:
- Fixed bug in curve number method giving wrong results.
This release contains binaries and libraries (DLLs) for the MOHIDWater and MOHIDLand code as found in the GitHub repository on October 2023. The release contains the source code used for compiling and the binaries with the following flavors:
64 bits double precision (x64): MOHID Water;
64 bits double precision OpenMP (x64_OpenMP): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
64 bits double precision MPI (x64_MPI): MOHID Water.
= Release Notes =
== MOHID Water ==
New features:
- HNS modelling:
Updated from Fernandes R (2018) PhD thesis and some R&D projects - Output/Input HDF5
Disregard HDF5 files that do not intersect in time the run simulation period when a list is given - Change ASCII formats from Windows-1252 and UTF-8 in some modules
- Changes necessary to compile MOHID water in single precision_JS. Two way routines and calls were changed to accept single and double precision compilations.
- Module Discharges (more info in MOHID Wiki Module Discharge page
New discharge type MohidJet. Now is possible to do a discharge in the MOHID Water Eulerian grid using MohidJet. This way the near field can change the far field hydrodynamic. This is relevant for large outfall discharges in shallow areas.
Sample of a MohidJet discharge added. This sample allows a MohidJet discharge in a schematic stratified tidal flow.
Added a new discharge type that aims to maintain a water level defined via time series.
A max flow can be defined for a weir discharge
Uniform discharge between constant depths
Symmetric momentum discharge
Allow a uniform discharge between fixed depths (DEPTH_MIN, DEPTH_MAX) - Module Sediment
The follow functionalities were added to the module sediment:
Concept of variable time step ;
Concept of minimum time step in the time variable step option. Previously the minimum time step was the DT. Now the DT is the initial DT;
Concept of Reset the bathymetry in the sediment module. Now is possible to do an hotstart of the sediment properties and at the same time reset the bathymetry to be equal to the bathymetry file. - Module Sand
Bathymetry can be change due cohesive sediment settling via ModuleSand - Module Field4D
Increased robustness when hdf5 do not have data for the entire simulation period- Field4D - increase robustness when hdf5 do not have data for the entire simulation period
- Digital terrain tool control of unnecessary outputs.
- Module Hydrodynamic
Improve 3D output of the near field
Corrected bugs:
- Fixed bug related with the lack of symmetry in momentum discharges. It is critical to shift the cell momentum discharge location function of the velocity direction to have symmetry (same effect independent of velocity direction) in momentum discharges
- Fixed bug in construct porosity
- Fixed bug in construct initial porosity
- Fixed bug in calculating the porosity of sand-mud mixtures
- Fixed error related with the stopwatch
- Correction of cell area of curvilinear grid
- Fixed bug on 2D cases upscale
- Interpolation and Upscale fixes
- Fixed bug on integration of Mohidjet in the hydrodynamic model
- Fixed bug related with the definition of the bottom layer
- Fine sediment settling velocity for negative concentrations. For fine sediment negative concentrations a null settling velocity is assumed.
- Interpolation not working because a call to ModifyGridData changed all waterpoints to 0 causing an error later in the code. Upscale method was not reading properties of parent and child properly.
- Optimization of the linear interpolation using triangulation. The optimization was done using a domain decomposition approach.
- Improved particle tracking model interaction with polygons. The function SegIntersectSegR8 was update. More concise and much more generic.
- Update ModuleWaterProperties.F90. Smaller size of HDF5 files by default
- "Tree.dat" name options. Allow MOHID to run based in "Tree.dat" and also "tree.dat" input name files.
- Minor bugs and comments improved.
== MOHID Land ==
New features:
- Module RunOff
Compute geometry and mapping during construction phase to correct initial openpoints dataset in HDF5 results
New volume balance outputs
Additional outputs for boundary
Improve particle tracking model interaction with polygons. - Module Vegetation
Added Kc evolution. the Kc can be now calculated according to FAO56 as a function of LAI
Improved continuous simulation - Module reservoirs
Defining a maximum volume each month and introducing the year of reservoir construction was added option.
Corrected bugs:
- Fixed water level interpolations between 2 openchannel links.
- Fixed transition flow between receiving flow to overflowing ponds connected to 2D.
- Fixed bug on boundary type cells adjacent to 1D channels, giving volume errors.
- Fixed calculation of number of inlets in each 2D cell.
- Corrected threshold for velocity calculation.
- Updated error messages when channel link files not found.
- Fixed Continuous calculation errors in vegetation growth.
This release contains binaries and libraries (DLLs) for the MOHIDWater and MOHIDLand code as found in the GitHub repository on the first week of October 2022. The release contains the source code used for compiling and the binaries with the following flavors:
64 bits double precision (x64): MOHID Water;
64 bits double precision OpenMP (x64_OpenMP): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
64 bits double precision MPI (x64_MPI): MOHID Water.
= Release Notes =
== MOHID Water ==
New features:
- ModuleSand - Solid flow output in [m2/s]
- Stronger verification is made to avoid unstable solutions.
Corrected bugs:
- Bugs fixed related with discharges and time series output in curvilinear grid implementations
- Consistent way of defining the boundary polygon of a curvilinear grid with ghost vertices
- Bug fixed related with statistics analysis between two depths
- Bug fixes in the online and offline upscaling methodologies, particularly for the upscaling via discharge only method, where the model only recognized one possible parent domain cell face in contact with land and overlapped with a son domain.
== MOHID Land ==
New features:
- Module RunOff
Major refactoring of 1D stormwater integration with 2D runoff
Improved water elevation open boundary settings
Fixed line discharge bug when line only intercepts one grid cell
Runoff log file with calculations summary (global water volume balance) is now written in results folder (RunOff.log)
Added new OpenMP directives;
Added new outputs: maximum flooded area, time of max total flooded area, final total flooded area
Corrected bugs:
- Fixed bug computing initial Module RunOff water volume;
This release contains binaries and DLLs for the MOHIDWater and MOHIDLand code as found in the GitHub repository on the last week of October 2021. The release contains the source code used for compiling and the binaries with the following flavours:
64 bits double precision (x64): MOHID Water;
64 bits double precision OpenMP (x64_OpenMP): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
64 bits double precision MPI (x64_MPI): MOHID Water.
= Release Notes =
== MOHID Water ==
New features:
- Tsunami generation using multiple faults
- Relative position in cell using IWD: Previous version the relative position of a point in a cell was done using a bi-linear approach. It was too complex and the method implemented was not generic enough for curvilinear cells. The new method is based in the IWD (inverse weight distance) interpolation method. It is more simple to code and more robust.
- Option to expand the number of instances …
- Time series/discharges & curvilinear ghost corners. Consistent Time series/discharges using X,Y location in curvilinear grids with ghost corners (not defined with a real location).
- Running lagrangianGlobal module in cartesian grids
- Extrapolate method focus in each point of interest
- High and low tide delay relative to a specific cell of reference
- FillmatrixModule - initialization along sections
- HDF5Statistics - Daily output time
- Ghost handling more consistent and quick cell location in a regular grid
- Compute relative humidity from air temperature and dew point temperature
The 2021 MOHIDWater version is now able to perform offline upscaling of local domains into regional domains, based on a nudging methodology, like the standard nudging from regional to local domains already available in MOHID.
While online simulations (already available last year) produce a higher level of communication between model domains, which is done at each iteration, offline upscaling allows for its use in operational modelling, as it does not require that each domain be run at the same time or in the same computer. This is accomplished through the upscaling from HDF or netCDF (not yet tested) output files produced by the local domains, into the regional domain. No extra operation is needed from a local domain’s perspective. However, the code is not yet ready for MPI simulations, but this is an ongoing effort.
The following Keywords are needed in the Parent (or regional) domain, to activate and use this new methodology:
- In the assimilation module: inside each property field block, “FIELD_4D”, “UPSCALING”, “UPSCALING_METHOD” and “UPSCALING_ID”. Inside each coef block, “IGNORE_CELLS”.
- In the Hydrodynamic module: “UPSCALING”, “UPSCALING_METHOD”, and “DATA_ASSIMILATION”.
- In the WaterProperties module: for each property, only the “DATA_ASSIMILATION” keyword.
- In the discharges module (if any is necessary, for example when a regional domain which does not represent an estuary needs to upscale an estuary domain): for each discharge, “VERTICAL_DISCHARGE” must be 6, “UPSCALING”, and “UPSCALING_METHOD” keywords must be used.
Bugs corrected
Bug correct related with the OPERATIONAL_MODEL_DEFAULT keyword when it was on disconnected the inverse barometer and the flow relaxation of velocities
Bug correct related to online two-way simulations.
== MOHID Land ==
New features:
- In ModuleRunOff, the water elevation at the open boundary can now be set along a line
This release contains binaries and DLLs for the MOHIDWater and MOHIDLand code as found in the GitHub repository on the last week of October 2020. The release contains the source code used for compiling and the binaries with the following flavours:
64 bits double precision (x64): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
64 bits double precision OpenMP (x64_OpenMP): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
64 bits double precision MPI (x64_MPI): MOHID Water.
= Release Notes =
== General modifications ==
- Input text files can have comments anywhere in the file. Any text to the right of an exclamation point is not read by MOHID.
== MOHID Water ==
New features
In module TwoWay, feedback operations now consider the parent vertical layer to which a child Son cell belongs to. This means that better results can be achieved in highly variable bathymetries.
Some bug fixes in TwoWay simulations with more than one nested domain.
Offline Upscaling has been added, by way of the assimilation module, which means a domain can upscale from an external solution in the form of HDF. A connection with the field4d module was made, enabling the use of temporal and vertical interpolations. A sample solution has been added to the GitHub solution.
Optimizations made in the last release are now a default, so now there are no optimization keywords to be added.
Module LagrangianGlobal:
• Emission and monitoring in a generic polygon (no grid associated);
• Multi-fraction transport of sediments;
• Critical slope concept associated with sediment transport;
• Emission along a section; -
Module Hydrodynamic:
• Option of adding in runtime two reference solutions (e.g. CMEMS Global and FES2014);
• Output of the High and low tide sea level value and phase differences;
New keywords:
• HIGH_LOW_TIDE_OUTPUT : 0/1 - output for high and low tide level and phase lag;
• REFERENCE_GAUGE_FILENAME : TimeSeries.dat - Timeseries to estimate the phase lag;
• REFERENCE_GAUGE_DATA_COLUMN : 2 - Column to calculate the phase lag with. -
Module Sand:
• Consistent way of solving thick layers of sediment surround by thin layers.
Bugs corrected
- ModuleJet: Multi-port emission was corrected.
- Module LagrangianGlobal: Corrrection in using the Module WaterProperties as sinks\sources;
- Module InterfaceWaterAir: Important correction on the wind drag coefficient function of wind;
== MOHID Land ==
New features
- New module ModuleExternalCoupler was added to handle external model coupling, e.g. Bentley's OpenFlows SewerGEMS/SWMM engine (ModuleSewerGEMSEngineCoupler)
- New module ModuleSewerGEMSEngineCoupler (compilation optional), which couples MOHID Land overland flow with Bentley's OpenFlows SewerGEMS/SWMM 1D storm/sewer network engine
- TRESHOLD_AREA is no longer mandatory to be defined in BasinGeometry if FLAT_SOLUTION is not activated.
This release contains binaries and DLLs for the MOHIDWater and MOHIDLand code as found in the GitHub repository on the 15th of October 2019. The release contains the source code used for compiling and the binaries with the following flavours:
64 bits double precision (x64): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
64 bits double precision OpenMP (x64_OpenMP): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
64 bits double precision MPI (x64_MPI): MOHID Water.
= Release Notes =
== MOHID Water ==
This version has had several improvements in terms of code and now it can achieve higher computing times.
- Module Litter. A new module focus in the interaction of litter with the coast develop by Hidromod together with Suez Environment;
- Add sample Coastal3D_Operational to allow users to run in a robust way Mohid Water in forecast mode;
- hdf5 replace the binary format still use in hydrodynamic and turbulence modules;
- Adding two open boundary reference solutions in run time (e.g. CMEMS+FES2014);
• LagrangianGlobal: discharge and transport of sedimentsfollwoing a granulometric curve. Dynamic bottom slope. Deposition function of critical shear stress and critical slope; - Robust way of solving the absorption of wind waves in land cells;
- Implement in Mohid Netcdf in 64 bits;
- Correct a bug that did not allow run MOHID Jet with different grids and reference solutions
Several routines of the modules Hydrodynamic and AdvectionDiffusion were optimized:
Module Hydrodynamic:
• InertiaForces
• Velocity_ExplicitForces
• Modify_VerticalWaterFlow
• ComputeCartesianVertVelocity
• Modify_Advection_UY_VX
• Modify_Advection_UX_VY
• Velocity_VerticalAdvection
• Modify_Diffusion_UY_VX
• Modify_Diffusion_UX_VY
• Velocity_VerticalDiffusion
• Hydrodynamic_OutPut
• ModifyMatrixesOutput
Module AdvectionDiffusion :
• AdvectionDiffusionIteration
• HorizontalAdvectionXX/YY
• CalcHorizontalAdvFluxXX/YY
• HorizontalDiffusionXX/YY
• VerticalAdvection
• VerticalDiffusion
Module Functions:
• ComputeAdvectionFace
• ComputeAdvection1D_V2
• THOMASZ_NewType2
These optimizations were done essentially at the serial mode. Optimizations of the advection/diffusion processes, both in hydrodynamic and advectiondiffusion modules, are only done for the method TVD with SUPERBEE limitation :
( Defined at the hydrodynamic.dat and waterproperties.dat Input files)
By default these optimizations are disabled, and to activate them the user must add:
In the hydrodynamic.dat -> “GLOBAL_OPT : 1”
In the WaterProperties.dat -> “OPTIMIZE : 1”
Other Keywords can be used to enable/disable optimization of the different hydrodynamic module routines(Defined at the Hydrodynamic.dat):
All these Keywords are false by default, and all become true (if not defined set by the user) if the “GLOBAL_OPT” Keyword is ON.
== MOHID Land ==
- added the option to have a river boundary condition as rating curve;
- added possibility for 1D cross sections to have two connections points with 2D (e.g. 1D-2D in very detailed grids);
- added the possibility to have 1D nodes outside grid;
- 1D/2D connection revised and improved with the option to use a mapping file where river nodes and 2D cells connections are mapped for faster processing and use with any 1D model (e.g. Drainage Network, SWMM);
- friction computation improved;
- UK EPA Benchmark tested;
- added the option to run Reservoirs with water quality;
- small bug fixes and code/comment cleaning.
This release contains binaries and DLLs for the MOHIDWater and MOHIDLand code as found in the GitHub repository on the 25th of June 2018. The release contains the source code used for compiling and the binaries with the following flavours:
- 64 bits double precision (x64): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
- 64 bits double precision OpenMP (x64_OpenMP): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
- 64 bits double precision MPI (x64_MPI): MOHID Water.
= Release Notes =
== MOHID Water ==
Wind velocity components calculated from wind modulus and direction (constant or read from a time series file) are not being calculated correctly. Issue has been resolved. 2019 release will be correct.
== MOHID Land ==
The 1D drainage network does not have to be contained by the 2D model domain anymore. It will only interact with the 2D model where necessary. Option is available for drainage networks that are not generated directly from the DTM.
Added time series outputs to ModuleRunOff. Changed keywords for runoff discharge tracking time series, to accommodate for general time series outputs. Runoff time series files have extension .SRR
Corrected MOHID River solution and added updated OpenMI solution for VS2017 Intel18, Corrected SystemInitialTime initialization in MOHID Land Engine OpenMI, Added automatic correction of irregular cross-sections in ModuleDrainageNetwork.
This release contains binaries and DLLs for the MOHIDWater and MOHIDLand code as found in the GitHub repository on the 19th of June 2017. The release contains the source code used for compiling and the binaries with the following flavours:
- 32 bits (x86): MOHID Water;
- 64 bits double precision (x64): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
- 64 bits double precision OpenMP (x64_OpenMP): MOHID Water and MOHID Land;
- 64 bits double precision MPI (x64_MPI): MOHID Water.
=Known Issues =
== MOHID Water==
- MPI version does not allow to generate windows of results that fall into only one MPI domain, it need to be at least in two of them.
== MOHID Land==