This repository is a place to collect the learnings and projects I have completed as part of the FAC22 pre-apprenticeship programme 👩💻
This is my schedule for week 1
Projects this week are
- Semantic HTML workshop
- Learn Accessibility workshop
- Javascript 30 projects: Drum Kit and CSS + JS Clock
- Write a challenge that will implement map method using a for loop
This is my schedule for week 2
Projects this week are
- CSS Layouts workshop
- Projects Gallery
- CSS Grid Garden
- Recreate a BBC News style homepage
- A11y - look into ARIA Labels and learn why they're used
- Javascript 30 projects: Playing with CSS Variables and JS and Array Cardio Day 1
This is my schedule for week 3
Projects this week are
- Tech Spikes: CSS Architecture, Responsive Design, Advanced CSS
- Refactor Projects Gallery site
- Array Cardio 2
- Flex Panels Image Gallery
- Create repo for code reading examples
This is my schedule for week 4
Projects this week are
- Digital agency website
- Install ESLint and Prettier
- Javascript 30 projects: 14 Must Know Dev Tools Tricks and Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes
- Tech Spike: Checking our Code
- Update code reading repo
- Create code challenges repo