Enthusiastic developer looking to learn all the things.
- Dec 2023-today: Taking the plunge into full-time freelance coding
- 2023: Working full time (non-coding), spending all of my free time coding or exploring caves
- 2022: Tech layoff apocalypse
- 2019-2021: Software Engineer (Angular) at Telenotes
- 2017-2018: Learned coding at Bottega Tech. Ruby on Rails, and some Angular
Competitive puzzle solver, Qualified for and competed at the CubingUSA National Championship in 2018 and 2019. Two bronze medals solving the Megaminx puzzle in Utah speedcubing competitions WCA Profile https://www.worldcubeassociation.org/persons/2011SMOO01
Member of the National Speleological Society. Avid Cave Explorer. Led multiple cave expeditions, overseeing the party's safety from the many potential dangers underground. In a 2022 expedition, reached the deepest point in Utah's longest cave, where less than 20 humans have ever been.
Certified Ham Radio Operator, General license. Furthest radio signal reception: New Zealand -> Utah. Method: Grey-line Skywave Propogation on 20 Meter Band. Exploring the limits of underground radio communication through reflected signals.
- Personal website: https://www.mitchsmoot.com
- Portfolio: https://www.mitchsmoot.com/portfolio
Feel free to message me any time if you have any questions about me or my code.
Looking to be hired in a full-time developer position. In the meantime, I'm available for freelance work! Willing to take on projects at an extremely competitive rate.