Hello, and Welcome to CyberClock! I am Special Agent 404 from the Cyber Preservation Unit! I created this program in C# on Monday March 13th, 2023 as a fun little hobby of mine. This program is a digital graphical clock that can be opened by double clicking the executable (.exe file), and it opens the clock. It doesn't install anything, so it is ultra portable! The GUI was designed by me to resemble 90s and early 2000s GUIs! I hope you enjoy my little program, and stay tuned for more updates of this program! :)
Created: Monday, March 13th, 2023. Clock (Hours/Minutes/Seconds), Date (Day of the Week/Day Number/Month), Window can be dragged around, and Close button closes program.
Future Plans:
A zero in front of the hour when only a single digit. For example currently it says "1:25". I need it to be "01:25".
PM/AM in the corner.
More animated graphics.
Three Buttons on right to enter three modes (Timer/Stopwatch/Clock).
Simulated Night Light.