- Laravel Framework 5.6
- Bootstrap 4
git clone https://github.com/MinhazulKabir/BloodBank.git projectname
cd projectname
composer install
composer update
php artisan key:generate
- Prepare your .env file there with database connection and other settings.
php artisan migrate --seed
to create and populate tables. Notice: seed is important, because it will create admin user for youphp artisan vendor:publish
to publish filemanagerphp artisan serve
to start the app on http://localhost:8000/
- Home Page
- Error Page 404
- Search in Donar Blood Group
- Search in Donar Location
- Blog with Facebook comments
- Search in Blog Name
- Manuel page
- Contact us page
- About us page
- Authentication (login, logout)
- Users roles : administrator (All access and Create other user), Simple user (create their own Donar profile)
- Users admin (show, edit, delete, create)
- About Donar and Blog Post with CKEditor.
Credentials to log in:
Link: https://YourDomain/login Or
Email: [email protected]
Password: password
Please use and re-use however you want.
- Follow My Twitter and Facebook
- Email Me [email protected]
- One user can see others profile. You can solve this problem.
- You can show the available Blood in these project.
- You will insert your Facebook comments using FacebookDevekoper . Note: because of some unavoidable problem My Facebook comments do not work properly(properly).