This is a work in progress Army Roster builder for Hail Caesar, using the Battlescribe platform.
All written armies should have exceptions to inform you if your army does not meet the requirements according to the army books.
Exceptions to the above:
Palmyrans - I cannot find a way to force you to have every third detachment as Freshly Raised. You can add this in using the upgrade function of each unit.
Middle Imperial Roman - Battlescribe won't force you to have 3 Legion units for each Artillery piece, or limit the number of Heavy Artillery as a % of Light or Medium
Please do not use the "Hail Caesar" detachment, use the one named for your army. The HC detachment is minimal and has no restrictions.
I found a bug! / I have another request
Great, thank you! Please Report a bug - you can also suggest enhancements and raise other issues there.