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Durandal extensions enabling a step by step transition from Durandal towards Aurelia.


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#Durelia ##Durandal extension ###-enabling a step-by-step transition from Durandal towards Aurelia

Durelia extends the Durandal Single Page Application framework by replicating a subset of the Aurelia features. The features provided by Durelia mostly have identical signatures as their Aurelia peers. The goal of Durelia is to simplify the migration of existing applications from Durandal to Aurelia, and to enable a step by step refactoring path that can be perforrmed gradually over time without breaking existing application functionality.

##Durelia helps you with the following:

###1. ES2015 Promises instead of jQuery Deferred/Promise Durandal uses the jQuery Deferred/Promise implementation for async operations. This Promise implementation deviates from the ES2015 Promise specification. Durelia is able to alter Durandals behavior to make it use the native ES2015 Promise instead (which is enabled in all current browsers and can also be polyfilled).

Example (when targeting only modern modern browers, or when already having a polyfill installed):

import {durelia} from "durelia-framework";


Example (when you want to install Q as ES2015 Promise a polyfill as you enable ES2015 Promise for Durandal):

import {durelia} from "durelia-framework";
import * as Q from "q";


Example (when you want to install Bluebird as ES2015 Promise a polyfill as you enable ES2015 Promise for Durandal):

import {durelia} from "durelia-framework";
import * as Bluebird from "bluebird";


Bluebird will actuall give some warnings in the console, for now I recommend using Q^1.4.1

If you are using TypeScript typings e.g. from definitelyTyped for intellisense support, you may want to include a es6-promise typings file, and change the Promise definition in the Durandal typings file. Change one of the first lines in the Durandal .d.ts file as follows.

// Before:
//interface DurandalPromise<T> extends JQueryPromise<T> { }
// After:
interface DurandalPromise<T> extends Promise<T> { }

###2. Dependency injection Durelia provides a Dependecy Injection (DI)/Inversion of Control (IoC) Container and offers ESNEXT decorators to support DI with the exact same signatures as the ones in Aurelia. The Durelia IoC container implementation is a bit simpler than the one in Aurelia; there is only one container (no child containers) and for this reason, injections are resolved as transient (as opposed to singleons) by default. In practical usage it will still work pretty much the same way.

import {inject, transient, singleton, Lazy} from "durelia-framework";

export default class MyPage {
    constructor(myService) {
        this.myService = myService;

export class MyService {
    constructor(getStorage) { = getStorage();

In addition to the static injection decorators support, the dynamic instance registration API from Aurelia is also supported:

import {Durelia, inject} from "durelia-framework";

class A {
    constructor(durelia) {
        durelia.use.instance(B, new B());

class B {

class C {
    constuctor(b) {
        // The instance registered in A's constructor will be injected here
        // It requires that the registration happens before C is attempted resolved.

For more info, check how this works in Aurelia; it works the exact same way here ;-)

###3. Enabling the Durandal Router to look for the default export class/object Durandal dependes on a 3rd party module loader like RequireJS. Most Durandal applications use RequireJS as a module loader. The RequireJS AMD module loader implementation had some limitations and devations from the new ES2015 module import/export specification, but when Durandal was released this was not yet available. ES2015 allows you to export multiple classes/variables/functions from a module. ES2015 also allows you to have a single default export class/variable/function in a module.

Durelia can alter/extend the behavior of the Durandal router, making it look for and prioritize any existing default export of a module when determining what to use as ViewModel for the View/ViewModel pair after the module has been loaded.

import {durelia} from "durelia-framework";

export default class MyPage { // Notice the "default" keyword; this class will be used as ViewModel

####Limitations When using classes as ViewModels, Durandal has no way to figure out from where it should load the HTML View for the ViewModel. Durelia provides a decorator (with the exact same signature as the one in Aurelia). When using this, the ViewModel instructs Durandal where to load the HTML View from.

import {useView} from "durelia-framework";

export default class MyPage {

Editors remark: I know you MVVM purists out there are not to happy with this; but concider this a temporary necessary evil. If you still follow the conventional view/viewmodel naming convention these attributes can be removed once migration to Aurelia is complete.

###4. Disconnecting from KnockoutJS: Enabling the Durandal Observable plugin on a per-viewmodel basis KnockoutJS is the Durandal dependency causing the biggest footprints in Durandal applications.

Durandal provides a plugin called "observable" that leverages automatic creation of property getters/setters wrapping the observables for all members of a viewmodel. This plugin performs this conversion just before the databinding occurs. The observable plugin also uses KnockoutJS under the hood, but it can help you eliminate the significant Knockout footprints (all those parenthesises!!). And refactor one page at the time in your application using the @observalbe decorator to enable the plugin on a per-viewmodel basis. This will bring your code many steps closer to Aurelia.

Durelia also allows you to create computed properties using the computedFrom decorator (exact same signature as in Aurelia).

In the bootstrapper of the application:


In a ViewModel class:

import {observe, computedFrom} from "durelia-framework";

// Enable the observe plugin
// for this viewmodel to convert
// members before databinding:
export default class MyPage {

    // Will be converted to
    // a property getter/setter
    // wrapping a knockout observable:
    member = null;

    // Will be converted to
    // a property getter wrapping
    // a knockout computed:
    get compuded() {
        return `Member value is: ${member}`;

5. Aurelia DialogService and DialogController replicated

The dialog plugin for Durandal and the one for Aurelia are quite similar, but there are a few differences. Durelia's "durelia-dialog" module contain two wrapper classes that eliminate the differences by replicating the Aurelia signatures.

Using the DialogService to open a dialog window:

import {inject} from "durelia-framework";
import {DialogService} from "durelia-dialog";
import {MyDialogViewModel} from "views/my-dialog-viewmodel";

export default class MyPage {
    constructor(dialog) {
        this.dialog = dialog;

    openDialog() {
        let dialogActivationOptions = {
            title: "Dialog title",
            text: "Dialog body"
            viewModel: MyDialogViewModel,
            model: dialogActivationOptions
        }).then(result => {


Using the DialogController to close from within a dialog viewmodel returning the async result:

import {inject} from "durelia-framework";
import {DialogController} from "durelia-dialog";

export class MyDialogViewModel {
    constructor(controller) {
        this.controller = controller;

    ok() {
        this.controller.ok({ agreed: true }, this);

    cancel() {
        this.controller.cancel({ agreed: false }, this);

PS! Notice that the ok and cancel methods of DialogController is calld with "this" as the seconde argument. This is exactly the same as in Aurelia, but was needed to make it work with Durandal.

6. Aligning router viewmodel activation and navigation with Aurelia

The router in Aurelia is a somewhat different from the Durandal implementation on:

  • How it passes parsed route arguments from the browser URL to the activate method of the activating viewmodel.
  • How you can use the router to generate navigation urls.

Durelia to the rescue!

By enabling this feature you will alter the Durandal behavior and make the behavior identical to Aurelia (with respect to the two differences stated above):



Setting up a Durandal route (ensure you give the route a name property):[{
        name: "NoteDetail",
        route: "notes/:id", // Notice the :id route parameter
        title: "Note detail",
        moduleId: "views/notes/notedetail",
        nav: false

Durelia provides a NavigationController to help you construct urls from a route to navigate:

import {NavigationController} from "durelia-router";
export default class MyPage {
    constructor(navigator) {
        this.navigator = navigator;

    goToNote(id) {
        // Creating an activationArgs object
        let activationArgs = {
            id: 5,
            someExtraProp: "hello"

            "NoteDetail", // route name - see above


Alternatively, you can perform navigation directly from the view using Durelia's "route-href" knockout binding handler, which emulates the Aurelia route-href custom attribute:

<a data-bind="route-href: { route: 'NoteDetail',  params: { id: 5, someExtraProp: 'hello' }}">Go to note detail</a>

Both examples above will trigger a browser navigate to the following url


Explained: The "id" property of activationArgs is merged with the "id" parameter of the route configuration. Since The "someExtraProp" property of activationArgs will not find a route parameter matching the property name, it cannot be merged into the route; -the "fallback strategy" behavior is to pass the property name and value as queryString args instead.

The activate method of the activating viewmodel will then be called:

export class NoteDetails {
    activate(activationModel) {

...and the activationModel will be an object containing the merged route and queryString arguments:

    id: 5,
    someExtraProp: "hello"

While the Durandal behavior is to relay each route argument as separate string arguments when invoking the viewmodel activate method; Durelia (and Aurelia) invokes it with a single object instead (if enabled). You may have noticed that the object sent as argument consists of the exact same properties and values as was sent in the navigateToRoute call earlier (see example above).

###Great intellisense and TypeScript interfaces Durelia is implemented in typescript, and TypeScript typings are generated when building. These are included along with the JavaScript files. This provides great intellisense both for Durandal JavaScript or TypeScript projects if you use an editor that supports it.

Most of the classes in Durelia has an interface "twin". If you use Durelia with a TypeScript application and write unit tests using TypeScript, it will simplify mocking the dependencies if you use the interface types for the constructor function parameters and inject the implementations through the inject decorator.

Some functions and classes have generic type arguments, that helps you create even more type-safe code.

##Sample Application The repository contains a sample application that covers the most common Durandal usage and how to do it with Durelia. The sample application is written using TypeScript. Please disregard the bad UI design and lack of creativity in feature set; the interesting part is the TypeScript code and the typical usage scenarios it demonstrates.

To run the sample application; clone the repository and run following from the console:

npm install
npm start

##Getting started

###Prerequisites a) You have already; or you are ready to change your javascript/typescript code base into ES2015 class style implementations.

b) You have installed the Durelia javascript (and typings) f.ex. using bower:

bower install durelia --save

c) You have a ES2015 promise package installed (f.ex. Bluebird or Q).

d) You have configured paths of your module loader:

Example (RequireJS):

let require = {
    paths: {
        "durelia-binding":              "bower_components/dist/durelia-binding",
        "durelia-dependency-injection": "bower_components/dist/durelia-dependency-injection",
        "durelia-dialog":               "bower_components/dist/durelia-dialog",
        "durelia-framework":            "bower_components/dist/durelia-framework",
        "durelia-logger":               "bower_components/dist/durelia-logger",
        "durelia-router":               "bower_components/dist/durelia-router",
        "durelia-templating":           "bower_components/dist/durelia-templating",

        "durandal": "bower_components/durandal/js",
        "plugins": "bower_components/durandal/js/plugins",

        "bluebird": "bower_components/bluebird/js/browser/bluebird"

e) You have called the durelia.use.x enabler functions for the the desired features. NB! This needs to happen after app.start() has finished asynchronously:

app.start().then((result) => {

        .nativePromise()           // optional feature
        .viewModelDefaultExports() // optional feature
        .observeDecorator()        // optional feature
        .routerModelActivation();  // optional feature

    app.setRoot("views/shell", "entrance");

Remember that you can switch on each of these features separately, and perform a step-by-step refactoring process. But once you're done and utilize all the features of Durelia, the JavaScript or TypeScript code of your application should already be really close to Aurelia compliant code.

You should be mostly left with one change: Changing the one letter in the durelia related import statements that differs from aurelia. Change the initial "d" with an "a"!



Durandal extensions enabling a step by step transition from Durandal towards Aurelia.







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