Battleground Legends GitHub repository
An addon for World of Warcraft 3.3.5a and 4.3.4 clients that announces killing blows while in a battleground.
Installing Battleground Legends (BGL) AddOn
- Drag and drop "BGLegends" folder to your ".../World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/" folder. • A message with yellow (golden) "[BGLegends]" prefix is printed to your chat frame if AddOn is loaded successfully.
Installing a sound pack
- Drag and drop the root folder from the sound pack archive to your ".../World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/BGLegends/Sounds" folder. • Example of a correct sound file path: .../World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/BGLegends/Sounds/LOL_Announcer/Other Kill/Executed.OGG • Click on the Preview button in BGL options frame to test if sounds are installed correctly.
Setting up Battleground Legends Addon
- Type /BGL in your chat frame to show the interface.
LUA Errors by Battleground Legends (BGL) AddOn • Hopefully there won't be any, but if you do get one, please take a screenshot or copy error text and contact the author.