Have you ever been in the situation in which you need to give someone your contact information, but struggling to do so because you left home you business card? There must be an app for that, right?
Well, it is now :) I coded and designed Mr. Shareman. Simple PWA to help you to quickly share/show text on the screen of your device. You can generate QR code as well.
- NEW - Open Graph
- FIX -
(colors, orientation, id, 512x512 icon) (thx @madcampos for the tips) - NEW - 140-character limit removed; a notification is shown when exceeded; font size set to 80%
- NEW - description
- NEW - app screenshots
- NEW - version number in the footer
- FIX - Service Worker fail
- FIX - manifest confusion resolved
- User input sanitation (I cannot believe that I didn't implement that! 🤦)
- FIX - iOS because Safari is apparently the new IE
- FIX - QR code image size tweak
- NEW - Generate QR code - thx davidshimjs/qrcodejs
- FIX -
, focus state
- Added font resize
- Changed scrollbar color
- Added functionality to close modal on ESC
- First version with basic functionality
- Some bugfixes and tweaks included
- Fullscreen doesn't work on iOS devices