board sipeed longan nano or GD32vf103 dev board. chip (risc-v32) GD32vf103CBT6 or GD32vf103VBT6 firmware for a USB HID device (vender type) to send data to USB post (Android or PC)
/*!This project is created by mzhu thru cloning from HID_mouse (project name:usbd_mouse) of GD32vf103 examples. */
The Full Speed (FS) USB module uses a 48MHz clock, which is generated from an integrated PLL.
The GD32 device is enumerated as an USB HID device, that can talks with the native PC/Andriod Host HID driver. No custom USB driver needed on host side. But you need a software on USB host to caputer the HID report data and dispaly it. You can use the on-chip ADC to caputure a temperature or voltage and wrap it into a HID report and send it to the host. In this project, it just generates saw teeth waves.
I use the NucleiStudio (a customed version of Eclipse), since they already include all the packages like CDT tools for embed programming. I uploaded all the screenshots for all the settings.
For the debuger, I use rv-link debuger. it is a hardware rv-link debuger I converted from a longan nano board. Search the github how to do it. Of course, you can use any standared JTAG debuger for this project.
Below some other notes:
the Core timer interrupt 500 times /second (setting in systick.c). its handler "eclic_mtip_handler(void)" in gd32vf103_it.c. In this handle, it will send out HID report to the host; //--1000 per second may be high for host to consume it //--tried. 250 is best result //---at 500/second and each report contain 64 bytes, there are 20% reports will be missed by the host. //---at 500/second and each report contain 44 bytes, there are 18.3% reports will be missed by the host. //---at 500/second and each report contain 24 bytes, there are 12.3% reports will be missed by the host. //I used my VC++ program to count it.-----mzhu 3/31/2021 GD32VF103 chip has only full speed USB (12mbits/s), not a high speed USB(480mbits/s)
The USB device VID, PID and HID report descriptor, and the "IN" Endpoint 1 .bInterval = 0x01U is in standard_hid_core.c;
the system frequency and PLLs setting are in system_gd32vf103.c. it is 96m Hz now. I tried 108m Hz, but the USB doesn't work.
the HID report descriptor(vendor type) on standard_hid_core.c. total 24-8bites;
On 4/1/2021. Successfuly uploaded to LONGAN NANO borad(which has GD32vf103CBT6 chip) without change any code/compiler setting/debug setting. It functions exactly as the GD32vf103 Dev board for the USB purpose. The linker is the same for GD32vf103CBT6 chip and GD32vf103VBT6 chip;
4/15/2021 tried 250/second, it is much better than 500/second regarding the lose of reports caputured by host.
any question? drop me a line. Hope you like it.
Note: I can't share the USB HID host VC++ project on the PC side since it is a job related project. but you can find similare ones on internet. like in Microchip or TI libaries. or search "Free USB Analyzer from HHD Software".