#Alx-low_level_programming This repository contains my Alx projects on C programming, makefiles, etc.
- 0x00-hello_world : This directory contains my projects on basic C programming.
- 0x01-variaables_if_else_while : This directory contains my projects on conditional statements in C programming.
- 0x02-functions_nested_loops : This directory is based on functions and loops in C programming.
- 0x03-debugging : This project is to build and test my debugging skills.
- 0x05-pointers_arrays_strings : This project is based basic pointers tasks.
- 0x06-pointers_arrays_strings : This project is based on more advanced pointer tasks.
- 0x07-pointers_arrays_strings : This project is based on more advanced pointer tasks.
- 0x08-recursion : This directory contains tasks on recursion in C programming.
- 0x09-static_libraries : This project is based on the creation and use of static libraries.
- 0x0A-argc_argv : This project is based on the use of argc and argv in C functions.
- 0x0B-malloc_free : This project is based on the use of the malloc function.
- 0x0C-malloc_free : This project is based on more advanced usage of the malloc function.
- 0x0D-preprocessor : This project is based on the use of macros.
- 0x0E-structures_typedef : This project is based on the use of structs and typedef in C programming.
- 0x0F-function_pointers : This project focuses on the use of function pointers.
- 0x10-variadic_functions : This directory contains tasks on variadic functions.
- 0x1C-makefiles : This project focuses on the use of make files.