Protocol description for modbus Goodwe DT inwerters
Conection is made with parameters : 9600 baud , 8 data bits , 1 stop bit , parity None.
In DT series of GoodWe inwerters there isstandard modbus implemented (in opposite to other GoodWe inverters with their own protocol). So to receive a full data we have to send to inverter's addres 247 (standard for GoodWe,changable in menu) a command for requesting the content of analog output holding registers ( function 03) #768 to #891 ( in total 124 registers) a request:
F7 03 0300 007C 50F9
F7 - inwerter adress (247 in HEX: F7)
03 - Function Code 3 (read Analog Output Holding Registers)
0300: The Data Address of the first register requested.( 0300 hex = 768)
007C: The total number of registers requested. (read 124 registers 768 to 891)
50F9: The CRC16-MODBUS (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking
Responce will be similar to:
F7 03 F8 18 38 18 5B 00 1B 00 1C 09 0E 09 63 09 57 00 33 00 32 00 31 13 86 13 86 13 87 0D E9 00 01 01 AD 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 16 00 00 00 17 07 7F 00 00 00 6B 00 00 01 A6 02 98 19 1B 0C 74 00 00 00 06 00 2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 14 07 12 09 0F 28 00 00 00 3B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 10 00 00 47 57 32 35 4B 2D 44 54 20 20 40 30
Register # | Byte# | Possible Value | Value Decrypt | Value Description |
- | 00 | F7 | F7 hex = 247 | Addres from where this responce recived |
- | 01 | 03 | Function Code 3 | read Analog Output Holding Registers |
- | 02 | F8 | Data length (Packet length = Data length + 5) | |
768 | 03 04 | 18 38 | 1838 hex = 6200 620.0V | DC Voltage on PV1 |
769 | 05 06 | 18 5B | 185B hex = 6235 623.5V | DC Voltage on PV2 |
770 | 07 08 | 00 1B | 001B hex = 27 2.7A | DC Current on PV1 |
771 | 09 10 | 00 1C | 001C hex = 28 2.8A | DC Current on PV2 |
772 | 11 12 | 09 0E | 090E hex = 2318 231.8V | AC Voltage on L1 |
773 | 13 14 | 09 63 | 0963 hex = 2403 240.3V | AC Voltage on L2 |
774 | 15 16 | 09 57 | 0957 hex = 2391 239.1V | AC Voltage on L3 |
775 | 17 18 | 00 33 | 0033 hex = 51 5.1A | AC Current on L1 |
776 | 19 20 | 00 32 | 0032 hex = 50 5.0A | AC Current on L2 |
777 | 21 22 | 00 31 | 0031 hex = 49 4.9A | AC Current on L3 |
778 | 23 24 | 13 86 | 1386 hex = 4998 49.98Hz | AC Frequency on L1 |
779 | 25 26 | 13 86 | 1386 hex = 4998 49.98Hz | AC Frequency on L2 |
780 | 27 28 | 13 87 | 1387 hex = 4999 49.99Hz | AC Frequency on L3 |
781 | 29 30 | 0D E9 | 0DE9 hex = 3561 3561W | Actual Power |
782 | 31 32 | 00 01 | 0001 hex = 1 | Status: 0-Pause/Waiting , 1-Working , 2 - Error |
783 | 33 34 | 01 AD | 01AD hex = 429 42.9deg | Inner Temperature |
784 | 35 36 | 00 00 | Error Message H | |
785 | 37 38 | 00 00 | Error Message L | |
786 | 39 40 | 00 00 | Energy Total H ? | |
787 | 41 42 | 01 16 | 0116 hex = 278 27,8kWh | Energy Total L |
788 | 43 44 | 00 00 | Working Hours Total H ? | |
789 | 45 46 | 00 17 | 0017 hex = 23h | Working Hours Total L |
790 | 47 48 | 07 7F | 077F hex = 1919 191.9deg | TemperatureFaultValue |
791 | 49 50 | 00 00 | PV1FaultVault | |
792 | 51 52 | 00 6B | 006B hex = 107 0.7V | PV2FaultVault |
793 | 53 54 | 00 00 | Line1VFaultValue | |
794 | 55 56 | 01 A6 | 01A6 hex = 422 42.2V | Line2VFaultValue |
795 | 57 58 | 02 98 | 0298 hex = 664 66.4V | Line3VFaultValue |
796 | 59 60 | 19 1B | 191B hex = 6427 64.27Hz | Line1FFaultValue |
797 | 61 62 | 0C 74 | 0C74 hex = 3188 31.88Hz | Line2FFaultValue |
798 | 63 64 | 00 00 | Line3FFaultValue | |
799 | 65 66 | 00 06 | 0006 hex = 6 6mA | GFC1FaultValue |
800 | 67 68 | 00 2A | 002A hex = 42 4.2kWh | Energy Today |
801 - 826 | 69 - 120 | 00 00 | 0 bytes | |
827 | 121 122 | 14 07 | 14hex = 20 2020year 07hex - 07 month | Date |
828 | 123 124 | 12 09 | 12hex = 18 day 09hex= 09 hour | Date/Time |
829 | 125 126 | 0F 28 | 0Fhex = 16 min 28hex = 40s | Time |
830 | 127 - 128 | 00 00 | 0 bytes | |
831 | 129 - 130 | 00 3B | 003B hex = 59 | Measurement during start, leackage current ? |
830 - 851 | 131 - 170 | 00 00 | 0 bytes | |
852 | 171 172 | 00 0C | 000C hex = 12 | Constans value , ? |
853 - 884 | 173 - 236 | 00 00 | 0 bytes | |
885 | 237 - 238 | 27 10 | 2710 hex = 10 000 W | Inverter power |
886 | 239 240 | 00 00 | 0 bytes | |
887 - 891 | 241 - 250 | 47 57 32 35 4B 2D 44 54 20 20 | 475732354B2D44542020 hex to ASCII gives GW25K-DT | Model name |
- | 251-252 | 40 30 | CRC16-MODBUS |
Error masages (784+785 combined) on first look maches with standard GoodWe protocol.
Bit # | Error Message | Description |
Bit31 | Internal Communication Failure | Communication between microcontrollers is failure |
Bit30 | EEPROM R/W Failure | EEPROM cannot be read or written |
Bit29 | Fac Failure | The grid frequency is out of tolerable range |
Bit28 | TBD | N/A |
Bit27 | TBD | N/A |
Bit26 | TBD | N/A |
Bit25 | Relay Check Failure | Relay check is failure |
Bit24 | TBD | N/A |
Bit23 | Vac Consistency Failure | Different value between Master and Slave for grid voltage |
Bit22 | Fac Consistency Failure | Different value between Master and Slave for grid frequency |
Bit21 | TBD | N/A |
Bit20 | TBD | N/A |
Bit19 | DC Injection High | The DC injection to grid is too high |
Bit18 | Isolation Failure | Isolation resistance of PV-plant out of tolerable range |
Bit17 | Vac Failure | Grid voltage out of tolerable range |
Bit16 | Fan Failure | Fan Lock |
Bit15 | PV Over Voltage | Pv input voltage is over the tolerable maximum value |
Bit14 | Auto Test Failure | Auto test failure |
Bit13 | Over Temperature | Temperature is too high |
Bit12 | Internal Version Unmatch | Master and slave firmware version is unmatch |
Bit11 | DC Bus High | Dc bus is too high |
Bit10 | Gournd I Failure | Ground current is too high |
Bit9 | Utility Loss | Utility is unavailable |
Bit8 | TBD | N/A |
Bit7 | TBD | N/A |
Bit6 | TBD | N/A |
Bit5 | TBD | N/A |
Bit4 | GFCI Consistency Failure | Different value between Master and Slave for GFCI |
Bit3 | DCI Consistency Failure | Different value between Master and Slave for output DC current |
Bit2 | TBD | N/A |
Bit1 | AC HCT Failure | The output current sensor is abnormal |
Bit0 | GFCI Device Failure | The GFCI detecting circuit is abnormal |
- find steering commands ( setting Power Factor , setting Power Limit , Stop/Start , ect.)