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Basic Design of the Caterpillar Pipeline

Song Huang edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 1 revision

Basic Design of the Caterpillar Pipeline

  • #merian #photometry
  • 2020-12-10

  • The goal of this pipeline is to take the DECam community pipeline (CP) output (the InstaCal CCD data) and generate calibrated coadd images and perform photometric modeling.

Class: Dataset:

  • Main goals:

    • Summarize the metadata of the InstaCal exposures into a table.
    • Summarize the metadata from each CCD into a CCD catalog.
    • Generate individual FITS files for each CCD.
  • "Dataset" here basically means the CP reduced data put into one folder.

    • It could be the single-band data collected in one night.
    • Or it could even be multiband data from the whole survey.
    • We do not imagine a super heavy duty one to handle a million fits file though. Just make sure it is enough to deal with the Merian survey (1000 deg$^2$)
