#The 500px Publisher for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom®#
Get the 500px Publisher for effortless portfolio management. With features like two-way sync, ability to read and write comments, view all your stats and more. Now you will have more time for shooting.
To try 500px Publisher for, checkout http://500px.com/lightroom
- Clone the repo: git clone git://github.com/500px/500pxPublisher.lrplugin
- Register Your Application and Edit variables CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET with your app's keys and SALT variable with some random data in 500pxAPI.lua
- Copy 500pxPublisher.lrplugin directory into Lightroom plugins or Add the plugin thought Lightroom Plug-in Maganger
(You can refer to User Guide at http://http://500px.com/lightroom)
Please pull request your changes, bug fixes. Thanks!
Download and install Lua Compiler http://www.lua.org/download.html We suggest to use Lua 5.1.4 for 32-bit architectures (to get lua compiler for 32-bit architectures) (Files compiled with 32bit compiler will perfectly work on 32bit and 64bit, while files compiled with 64bit compiler will only work on 64bit computers and not on 32bit arcitecture)
Licensed under the terms of the General Public License (GNU).
- Download the Lua source from http://www.lua.org/download.html
- Patch LUA_SOURCE/src/Makefile to make it 32-bit
# Change this line
+ $(MAKE) all MYCFLAGS="-DLUA_USE_LINUX -arch i386" MYLIBS="-arch i386 -lreadline"
# If you are having trouble compiling this because of
# readline, try removing '-lreadline'
- Make and install Lua:
make macosx
sudo make install