A CloudFormation template that creates a CloudWatch event and attaches it to a Lambda in order to notify a user (or set of users) when an EC2 instance is created
The template uses stack set to ensure that you can deploy the lambda in all regions
CloudFormation needs some very specific permissions to get a StackSet up and running. First, we need to create an IAM role called AWSCloudFormationStackSetAdministrationRole in what is called the “administrator account”. This is the account from which we create the StackSet and from where we’ll deploy the stacks in other accounts and regions. Next, we have the AWSCloudFormationStackSetExecutionRole IAM role. This role must exist in all accounts where we’re going to provision stacks. The first role will assume the latter role.
./scripts/deploy-stackset.sh "${ACCOUNT_IDS}" ${ACCOUNT_ALIAS} ${DESTINATION_EMAIL} ${STACK_OWNER}
You will need to authorize the destination email for each account as a valid receipient. To send the email for this run the following
aws ses verify-email-identity --email-address ${DESTINATION_EMAIL}