PyFit Python interface. Fix in iData integration routines error bar propagation (trapz, sum, ...). Fix in iData/combine when monitors are default (1). Better detection of duplicated data sets from recursive iData/load. Fix in text import (supports NaN,Inf, faster by 15%). Fixed auto guess in gauss,lorz,... Models. Added proper Unit/integration test infrastructure. Fixed some methods for iFunc objects with parameter names followed with comments. Support for McStas/mcdisplay as an Application. (June 28th 2013)
Support for loading CIF/CFL/ShelX structure, EZD/MRC/CCP4 electron density formats. Load/save of YAML/JSON/XML files. New Rietveld model that uses a McStas neutron diffractometer model to convolve the structure factors and fit with diffractometer data. Added TAS neutron spectrometer resolution computation ResLibCal as an Application. iData commandhistory can be saved as a Matlab script. Added nlorz and ngauss Models. Fix of iData/combine with scalar Monitor values. Better memory handling in iData/load. iFunc support parameter constraints fix/min/max/assign as object.=. Fix in reading text files with changing columns number. Execution speed improvement in all object operators. Allow fitting of event data sets.