iFit 2.0 (Oct 2018): major upgrade focused at Neutron Scattering methods
Major release 2.0:
- updated iData and iFunc storage classes. The object usage is not modified, but sub-classes are now possible, allowing more specialized methods for specific use. See http://ifit.mccode.org/Changes.html#mozTocId16941 if you experience load/save crashes.
- New iData/imroi http://ifit.mccode.org/Plot.html#mozTocId313946 interactive region-of-interest and mask selection.
- New iData.slice http://ifit.mccode.org/Plot.html#mozTocId633428 for 2D objects (only worked so far for 3D).
- Neutron scattering http://ifit.mccode.org/Neutron_Scattering.html specific methods: iData_Sqw2D (for S(q,w) 2D data sets), iData_Sab (for S(alpha,beta) data sets), iFunc_Sqw4D (for S(qh,qk,ql,w) 4D models)), iFunc_McCode (for McStas/McXtrace models http://ifit.mccode.org/McStas.html) classes. iData_Sqw2D can now be exported to INX, ISIS SPE and McStas Sqw files.
- Phonon/ASE models http://ifit.mccode.org/Models.html#mozTocId990577 are now Python3 compatible.
- New SpinWave model http://ifit.mccode.org/Models.html#mozTocId826778 from S. Petit.
Get binary installers at http://ifit.mccode.org
About 500 commits (bug fixes, new features) have been pushed since release 1.10.
Downloads and Installation at: http://ifit.mccode.org/Install.html. The Linux and Windows installers require to install the Matlab Compiler Runtime (MCR) as well.