- ROS Kinetic full desktop version installation
- Gazebo for ROS:
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control
- Create a ROS workspace:
- Git clone this repository in it
- Build the workspace:
- catkin_make (optional -j4 or -j8 to make it faster; the number corresponds to the number of cores on your processor)
- Finish setting your environment by typing (update your environment variables with the right paths):
- source setup.bash
- Run the launch files examples by typing:
- roslaunch gazebo_example LAUNCH_FILE_NAME
- launch_example.launch
- ~pose (geometry_msgs::Pose) : pose of the robot
- ~twist (geometry_msgs::Twist) : twist of the robot
- ~external_wrench (geometry_msgs::Wrench) :
- ~start_controller (std_srvs::Trigger)
You can easily rename the template package using the renaming script with the following command: * 'cd src/gazebo_example && ./rename_pkg.sh gazebo_example NEW_PKG_NAME'