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McUtils Binder

McUtils is a set of utilities written by the McCoy group for the McCoy group to handle common things we do, like pulling data from electronic structure calculations, doing unit conversions, interpolating functions, making attractive plots, getting finite difference derivatives, performing fast, vectorized operations, etc.

We're working on documenting the package, but writing good documentation takes more time than writing good code. Docs for the actively edited, unstable branch can be found here.

Installation & Requirements

The easiest way to install is via pip, as

pip install mccoygroup-mcutils

This should install all dependencies. The major requirement is that Python 3.8+ is required due to use of features in the types module. For safety, it is best to install this in a virtual environment, which we can make like

python3.8 -m pip venv mcenv

and activate like

. mcenv/bin/activate

or to use it in a container or conda environment or some other place where we can control the environment.

It is also possible to install from source like

git clone

but in this case you will need to make sure the library is on the path yourself and all of the dependencies are installed. If you want to get all of the nice JHTML features for working in Jupyter, you'll then need to run

from McUtils.Jupyter import JHTML

and then reload the browser window when prompted.


If you'd like to help out with this, we'd love contributions. The easiest way to get started with it is to try it out. When you find bugs, please report them. If there are things you'd like added let us know, and we'll try to help you get the context you need to add them yourself. One of the biggest places where people can help out, though, is in improving the quality of the documentation. As you try things out, add them as examples, either to the main page or to a child page. You can also edit the docstrings in the code to add context, explanation, argument types, return types, etc.