FMCW radar system implemented in LimeSDR-USB for detection and tracking of birds.
To compile the source code, run: $make
To run the code, you have to compile it first. this will produce the huffencode executable which can be ran by:
Please note that if incorrect options are given the program will abort.
To compile the executable file for testing use: $make test
To run the tests use: $./fmcwradartest
if you want to see each asssertion results, add the -s flag: $./fmcwradartest -s
but this might results in slower test runs. :(
IMPORTANT! The test take long time to finish, so run them and get some coffee. :) alternatively, you can comment all the SECTIONS of the tests and leave the one you want to run. or find a way to specify which section you want to run. :).
Sorry you said you want the tests right :). This happens only when you add the -s flag or other reporting flags.
The following command will do basic cleaning.
$make clean