This repo contains a short tutorial about text manipulation using the Linux command line. Note that the tutorial does not attempt to be throrough or deep - it's just meant to be a nice introduction and demonstrate what one can do when they master the Linux command line. Also, if this is the first time you encounter the Linux command line, it might not be a great place to start.
We will work with a data set of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) CRISPR/CAS9 annealing sites, accessible here.
First, create a directory for the tutorail:
cd <wherever you like>
mkdir Linux_text_manipulation_tutorial
cd Linux_text_manipulation_tutorial
To download and unzip the data for the tutorial, run the following commads in your terminal:
pigz -d danRer11.CRISPR.bed.gz
pigz -d Danio_rerio.GRCz11.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
This can take a few minutes.
Let's start by taking a quick look at the files we have. One way to do it is using the less
command, e.g.: less danRer11.CRISPR.bed
and less Danio_rerio.GRCz11.dna.primary_assembly.fa
. Use up/down arrows to browse through the files. less
is a very good pager for large files, since it doesn't try to load the entire file to RAM, so even huge files will not choke the machine. Hit q
to quit less
Two other useful commands are head
, which shows the first lines of the file, and tail
, that shows the last ones:
$ head danRer11.CRISPR.bed
track name=crispr2246550 type=bed description="danRer11.spCas9.NGG.crisprs_run1" useScore=1
chr1 1107 1127 GTAGATGAGAGGTCACCGGC_553 513.21 -
chr1 1111 1131 AGCTGTAGATGAGAGGTCAC_350 706.302 -
chr1 1234 1254 GGAAAAATAACCTCCAAACC_436 618.853 -
chr1 4188 4208 GTAATAATCTCAGTTTATCG_292 769.012 +
chr1 4316 4336 GTAGTTGCCAGAATCACTAA_1138 206.765 +
chr1 5007 5027 AGATAAGTTACTTATAATCG_229 838.946 -
chr1 5962 5982 CTATCGAGAGGCATTACTGA_1132 208.532 -
chr1 5965 5985 GTAATGCCTCTCGATAGCTG_166 907.262 +
chr1 5974 5994 CGCACACCGCAGCTATCGAG_134 938.906 -
As you can see, this is a BED file, which is basically a tab-separated values (TSV) file with genomic coordinates. The columns are:
- Chromosome
- Start position (1-based)
- End position (Inclusive)
- <Target sequence>_<number of off-targets>
- Score representing specificity
- Strand (+/-)
Let's begin by checking if the BED and FASTA files match in terms of the chromosome names they contain. To do that, we'll extract the list of chromosomes from each file.
Fo the FASTA, we can do that using:
$ grep '>' Danio_rerio.GRCz11.dna.primary_assembly.fa
The grep
command allows us to fetch lines matching a certain pattern from a file - in this case we look for ">", which indicates record headers in a FASTA file. If we only want the REF chromosomes (names ending with "REF"), we can use a regex pattern:
$ grep '>*chromosome*' Danio_rerio.GRCz11.dna.primary_assembly.fa
One other trick we can use grep
for is to get the total genome size:
$ grep -v '>' Danio_rerio.GRCz11.dna.primary_assembly.fa | tr -d '\n' | wc
Explanation: grep -v'
means "fetch lines not matching the pattern", so in this case this would be all sequence lines. We then pipe the result into another command, tr -d '\n'
, which removes all the "newline" characters, and finally pipe the result again to wc
, which counts the number of letters.
Piping is a very useful feature in text manipulation, and we'll use it a lot in this tutorial. You can also pipe results into less
if you want to view them - useful for checking large intermediate results. E.g.: grep -v '>' Danio_rerio.GRCz11.dna.primary_assembly.fa | less
Now let's get the chromosomes list from the BED file. This can be done with:
$ cut -f1 danRer11.CRISPR.bed | sort | uniq
Explanation: cut -f1
prints only the first column of the file (the chromosome). We only want unique (distinct) values, so we use the command uniq
, however, this command only works for sorted data, so we must use sort
Looks like the same chromosomes are present, but with slightly different naming. We'll take care of this later.
We can also count how many targets are listed per chromosome with a very similar command:
$ cut -f1 danRer11.CRISPR.bed | sort | uniq -c
We can even sort the output by number of targets, like this:
$ cut -f1 danRer11.CRISPR.bed | sort | uniq -c | sort -k1 -n
Explanation: sort -k1
means "sort by first column". -n
tells the command to sort by numeric value rather than alphabetically.
Exercise: Find the highest and lowest scores in the BED file's 5th column.
Click here to see the solution
# One possible option:
$ cut -f5 danRer11.CRISPR.bed | sort -n | head
$ cut -f5 danRer11.CRISPR.bed | sort -n | tail
is a nice command line tool for working with tables. Let's see what it can do.
Suppose we want to extract CRISPR targets in a certain range of genomic coordinates, e.g. chr1:1000000-2000000. We can do it using:
$ awk '$1 == "chr1" && $2 >= 100000 && $3 <= 200000' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | less
Explanation: $1 referes to the first column, $2 is the second etc. We can use any combination of boolean operators: &&, ||, !, ()
We can also decide to print only specific fields using {print $x}
. For example the following oneliner will count how many targets we have on the + and - strands in the above range:
$ awk '$1 == "chr1" && $2 >= 100000 && $3 <= 200000 {print $6}' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | sort | uniq -c
is also very useful for reformating text files. E.g.:
$ awk '{print $1":"$2"-"$3"("$6")""\t"$5}' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | head
chr1:1107-1127(-) 513.21
chr1:1111-1131(-) 706.302
chr1:1234-1254(-) 618.853
chr1:4188-4208(+) 769.012
chr1:4316-4336(+) 206.765
chr1:5007-5027(-) 838.946
chr1:5962-5982(-) 208.532
chr1:5965-5985(+) 907.262
chr1:5974-5994(-) 938.906
Of course you can always redirect the output to a new file using '>': awk '{print $1":"$2"-"$3"("$6")""\t"$5}' danRer11.CRISPR.bed > danRer11.CRISPR.tsv
Finally, we can use awk
for summing numbers. For example, let's calculate the mean score (column 5) in a given range:
$ awk '$1 == "chr1" && $2 >= 100000 && $3 <= 200000 {SUM+=$5; i+=1}END{print SUM/i}' danRer11.CRISPR.bed
Explanation: the first part ($1 == "chr1" && $2 >= 100000 && $3 <= 200000
) just filters for the range of interest. SUM
and i
are variables - in awk
there is no need to declare or initialize them, they just start from 0. For each row, we add the score ($5) to SUM
, and also increment i
by 1. At the end (END
) - we print SUM/i
Exercise: How many targets are there on chromosome 1, with score larger than 500?
Click here to see the solution
$ awk '$1 == "chr1" && $5 > 500' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | wc -l
is another great tool for manipulating text files (or "streams" comin from a pipe). One nice feature is text substitution. The syntax is:
sed 's/<pattern>/<replace>/'
sed 's/<pattern>/<replace>/**g**'
to replace multiple occurrences of the pattern in the same line.
The pattern may be a simple text string. For example, the following command will remove the letters "chr" from each line, which will help us match chromosome names to those found in the FASTA file:
$ sed 's/chr//' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | head
1 1107 1127 GTAGATGAGAGGTCACCGGC_553 513.21 -
1 1111 1131 AGCTGTAGATGAGAGGTCAC_350 706.302 -
1 1234 1254 GGAAAAATAACCTCCAAACC_436 618.853 -
1 4188 4208 GTAATAATCTCAGTTTATCG_292 769.012 +
1 4316 4336 GTAGTTGCCAGAATCACTAA_1138 206.765 +
1 5007 5027 AGATAAGTTACTTATAATCG_229 838.946 -
1 5962 5982 CTATCGAGAGGCATTACTGA_1132 208.532 -
1 5965 5985 GTAATGCCTCTCGATAGCTG_166 907.262 +
1 5974 5994 CGCACACCGCAGCTATCGAG_134 938.906 -
Explanation: we simply replace "chr" with "" (empty string.
The pattern may also be a REGEX, using a specific dialect. As an example, let's get rid of the sequence in column 4:
$ sed 's/[ATGCN]*_//' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | head
chr1 1107 1127 553 513.21 -
chr1 1111 1131 350 706.302 -
chr1 1234 1254 436 618.853 -
chr1 4188 4208 292 769.012 +
chr1 4316 4336 1138 206.765 +
chr1 5007 5027 229 838.946 -
chr1 5962 5982 1132 208.532 -
chr1 5965 5985 166 907.262 +
chr1 5974 5994 134 938.906 -
We can even capture parts of the pattern and use them in the replacement value. Let's use this to separate the sequence from the number of off-targets, so instead of GTAGATGAGAGGTCACCGGC_553
. This can be done like this:
$ sed 's/\([ATGCN]*\)_\([0-9]*\)/\1\t\2/' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | head
chr1 1107 1127 GTAGATGAGAGGTCACCGGC 553 513.21 -
chr1 1111 1131 AGCTGTAGATGAGAGGTCAC 350 706.302 -
chr1 1234 1254 GGAAAAATAACCTCCAAACC 436 618.853 -
chr1 4188 4208 GTAATAATCTCAGTTTATCG 292 769.012 +
chr1 4316 4336 GTAGTTGCCAGAATCACTAA 1138 206.765 +
chr1 5007 5027 AGATAAGTTACTTATAATCG 229 838.946 -
chr1 5962 5982 CTATCGAGAGGCATTACTGA 1132 208.532 -
chr1 5965 5985 GTAATGCCTCTCGATAGCTG 166 907.262 +
chr1 5974 5994 CGCACACCGCAGCTATCGAG 134 938.906 -
Explanation: we use \(<something>\)
for indicating that we want to capture a part of the pattern, in this case, the sequence and the number (separately). Within the replace value, we use \1 to indicate the first captured value, \2 to indicate the second, and so on.
sed tip: sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you need to replace Linux paths, which contain the character '/'. This may confuse sed
, since we used '/' as part of the the command syntax. Turns out you can actually use any character instead, e.g.:
$ echo '/path/to/myFile.txt' | sed 's@/to/@/to/new/@'
Exercise: Remove the decimal part of each score (pipe the result to less
Click here to see the solution
$ sed 's/\.[0-9]*//' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | less
Another useful feature of the sed
tool is its ability to fetch certain ranges of lines.
Recall that we can use head
to get the first lines of a file, e.g.:
$ head -100 danRer11.CRISPR.bed
will print the first 100 lines. The same can be achieved using sed
$ sed -n '1,100p;100q' danRer11.CRISPR.bed
Explanation: we tell sed
to print (p) lines 1-100, and then, at line 100, quit (q).
Of course, we can do the same with any range of line numbers, e.g.:
$ sed -n '10000,20000p;20000q' danRer11.CRISPR.bed
We can even tell sed
to only print every n-th line. Let's use that to sample 100k targets from the line range 1,000,000-2,000,000:
$ sed -n '1000000~10p;2000000q' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | less
Explanation: we tell sed
to start at line 1000000, then print every 10th line, and quit at line 2000000.
Two more useful sed
- To combine several
commands, use-e
:sed -e 's@_@/@' -e 's/chr//' danRer11.CRISPR.bed | less
- To modify a file in-place, use
sed -i
(but be careful - it's irreverssible).
For loops can be run on the command line with the following syntax:
for <variable name> in <something iterable>; do <some command>; <some other command>; ...; done
Let's demonstrate the use of for loops by splitting the BED file into multiple files, each containing targets from one chromosome. We'll build the command gradually. Before we begin, let's create a directory to store all the files we'll create: mkdir chromosomes
. Next:
$ for chr in $(seq 1 25); do echo $chr; done
Explanation: we call the variable chr
, and it gets its values by iterating over the result of seq 1 25
. We then tell bash to simply print (echo
) the value of chr
(note the use of $chr
when referring to the variable).
Now we'll define the output file name for each chromosome:
$ for chr in $(seq 1 25); do echo $chr; fileName="chromosomes/$chr.bed"; echo $fileName; done
Explanation: nothing fancy here - we simply defined another variable fileName
and print it to the screen to make sure it's what we expect.
for chr in $(seq 1 25); do echo $chr; fileName="chromosomes/$chr.bed"; echo $fileName; awk -v chr=$chr '$1 == "chr"chr' danRer11.CRISPR.bed > $fileName; done
Explanation: the loop starts the same way as before, but we add an awk
command that performs the actual printing to files: awk -v chr=$chr '$1 == "chr"chr' danRer11.CRISPR.bed > $fileName
. -v chr=$chr
defines a variable chr
that we can use within awk
. We tell it to take its value from the bash variable $chr
. The rest is just a simple filtration using the value of chr
, and the output is redirected to $fileName
. Mission accomplished!
Another common case in which for loops are used is when looping over files. For example, let's modify each bed file under chromosomes/
using a sed
command we've already seen:
$ for bed in $(ls chromosomes/*.bed); do echo $bed; sed -i 's/\([ATGCN]*\)_\([0-9]*\)/\1\t\2/' $bed; done
Explanation: we loop over the result of ls chromosomes/*.bed
and apply the sed
command to break the sequence column. We used the -i
flag to modify the files in-place.
Write a command that will take the output of qstat
and print for each job the job number, full job name, and node on which it's running. Something like this:
2178519.power8 compute-0-92/12
Click here to see the solution
for j in $(qstat | awk '{print $1}'); do name=$(qstat -f $j | grep 'Job_Name = ' | sed 's/ Job_Name = //'); node=$(qstat -f $j | grep 'exec_host = ' | sed 's/ exec_host = //'); echo -e "$j\t$name\t$node"; done