Simple GUI for
- Provides simple GUI that allows you edit RS_ASIO settings easy without opening RS_ASIO.ini in text editor.
- Reads ASIO drivers names from registry, no need to look into RS_ASIO-log.txt anymore.
- Uses AsioDriver class from NAudio project to reading driver info and opening control panel.
- Place EXE-file into Rocksmith directory, near RS_ASIO.ini
- ASIO driver control panel can be opened by "Config" button
- Button "OK" is for saving RS_ASIO.ini and closing RS_ASIO_GUI
- Button "Cancel" is for closing RS_ASIO_GUI without saving RS_ASIO.ini
- Button "Run Rocksmith" saving RS_ASIO.ini, running Steam version of Rocksmith 2014 and closing RS_ASIO_GUI