This project was developed with the aim of implementing a neural network for image classification using the MNIST dataset. Throughout the development process, one of the key challenges revolved around ensuring the correctness of both forward and backward propagation. Achieving accurate dimensions for each neuron and layer during forward propagation was essential for the proper functioning of the neural network. Similarly, implementing backpropagation and accurately calculating gradients posed significant challenges.
The culmination of this project led to the successful training of a simple neural network model on the MNIST dataset. The model achieved an impressive 93% accuracy on the test set, demonstrating the effectiveness of the implemented neural network and the underlying matrix library.
The neural network project is divided into two primary components: the neural network module and a matrix library that supports various operations on matrices.
struct NeuralNetwork {
int *topology;
int layers;
double learning_rate;
matrix **W;
matrix **b;
Cache **caches;
NeuralNetwork structure encapsulates the neural network model, including the number of layers, learning rate, weight matrices, bias matrices, and caches for intermediate values during forward propagation.
NeuralNetwork* createNetwork(const int topology[], int n, double learning_rate);
Allocates memory for the neural network and initializes its parameters.
const int *topology
: Array specifying the number of neurons in each layer.
int n
: Number of layers.
double learning_rate
: Learning rate for gradient descent.
A pointer to the initialized NeuralNetwork structure.
matrix* forward(NeuralNetwork *nn, matrix *X, int isMulticalss);
Performs forward propagation through the neural network.
NeuralNetwork *nn
: Pointer to the neural network.
matrix *X
: Input matrix.
int isMulticlass
: Flag for multi-class classification.
Output matrix after forward propagation.
double cross_entropy(matrix* AL, matrix* Y);
double cost(matrix* AL, matrix* Y);
Computes the cost function for binary and multi-class classification.
matrix* AL
: Output matrix after forward propagation.
matrix* Y
: True labels matrix.
Cost value.
matrix* predict(NeuralNetwork *nn, matrix* X, int isMulticlass);
Performs forward propagation and outputs a prediction for a single input
NeuralNetwork *nn
: Pointer to the neural network.
matrix* X
: Input matrix.
int isMulticlass: Flag for multi-class classification.
Modified output matrix for multi-class classification.
Gradient** propagate(NeuralNetwork *nn, matrix *AL, matrix *Y);
Computes gradients for weights and biases using backward propagation.
NeuralNetwork *nn
: Pointer to the neural network.
matrix *AL
: Output matrix after forward propagation.
matrix *Y
: True labels matrix.
Array of gradients for each layer.
void updateParameters(NeuralNetwork *nn, Gradient **grads);
Updates weights and biases using gradient descent.
NeuralNetwork *nn
: Pointer to the neural network.
Gradient **grads
: Array of gradients for each layer.
double sigmoid_backward(double x);
double sigmoid(double x);
double relu(double x);
double relu_backward(double x);
Description: Implements sigmoid and ReLU activation functions and their corresponding backward derivatives.
// Operations on matrices
matrix* add(matrix *A, matrix *B);
matrix* subtract(matrix *A, matrix *B);
matrix* multiply(matrix *A, matrix *B);
matrix* divide(matrix *A, matrix *B);
matrix* hadamard(matrix *A, matrix *B);
matrix* scale(matrix *A, double n);
matrix* sum(matrix *A, int axis); // axis = 1 (sum rows) axis = 0 (sum columns)
double summation(matrix *A);
matrix* flatten(matrix *A);
matrix* apply(matrix *A, double (*f)(double));
double dot(matrix *A, matrix *B);
matrix* T(matrix *A);
// determinant
static double baseDet(matrix *A);
matrix* minorA(matrix *matrix, int row, int col);
double det(matrix *A);
// Probability
matrix* softmax(matrix *A);
unsigned int argmax(matrix *A); // A is a column vector
The matrix library provides basic operations on matrices, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, element-wise operations, and transpose.
Use createMatrix
to initialize matrices.
Use copyMatrix
to create a deep copy of a matrix.
Use fill
to fill a matrix with a specified value.
Use operations such as add
, subtract
, multiply
, etc., to perform element-wise operations.
Use hadamard
for element-wise multiplication.
Use scale
to scale matrix entries by a constant.
Use sum
and summation
for summation along specified axes.
Use flatten
to convert a matrix into a vector.
Use apply
to apply a function element-wise to a matrix.
Use dot
for the dot product of matrices.
Use T
to transpose a matrix.
Use det
to compute the determinant of a matrix.
Use softmax
for applying the softmax function.
Use argmax
to find the index of the maximum value in a column vector.
Use uniform_distribution
to generate random numbers.
Use randomize_matrix
to randomize the entries of a matrix.
Use load_matrix
to load a matrix from a file.
Use save_matrix
to save a matrix to a file.
Feel free to contribute to this project by opening issues or pull requests.