A University OOP Project!
|__Class (main)
|__Class (Bike)
|__Class (ElectricBike)
|__Class (RoadBike)
|__Class (User)
`User_menu()` function which should contain the following:
1. Available Bikes
2. Rented Bikes
3. Return Bike
4. Rent a Bike!
5. List of Bikes
6. My rent history
7. Exit
`Admin_menu()` function should contain following:
1. Add Bike(s)
2. Add new Admin
3. Add new User
4. List of Users
5. List of Bikes
6. Load Data
7. Exit
it should contain many properties and methods like: `IsRented` or `SerialNumber` and etc.
it should contain many properties and methods like: `IsRented` or `SerialNumber` or `Charged` and
it should contain many properties and methods like: `IsRented` or `SerialNumber` and
it should completely implemented and contain `username`, `RentalList`, etc...
NOTE! maximum 3 Bikes can rent every single person.