What's New
- The 'Chirpity' model has been renamed to the 'Nocmig' model.
- The latest IUCN Red List status is displayed against species detections in the summary table. Thanks to Andy for the suggestion in the WhatsApp community!
-- The assessment region can be refined: Global, European, Mediterranean
-- Clicking the icon will open the assessment page in your web browser
-- Can be disabled in settings - Processing speed improvements
- There is more space in the UI for the file name. Thanks David W, for poking me about this in the WhatsApp community!
- Improved guidance on "context mode" use
All all in a smaller download package!!
Bug Fixes
- Clips can be saved to different drives or mount points (fixes #156)
- Error when zooming into a highlighted region have been fixed
- Better memory management (again)
- Messages about 'no detections found' are not displayed if an analysis hasn't been done on the file
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.2.0