This release is mostly concerned with bug fixes, however:
- There is now a loading message while audio is fetched from the Xeno-Canto website
- During analysis, the results table header is grey. When analysis completes, the sort options are activated and the header becomes black.
- The summary table is inactive during analysis. Once active, there is a highlight effect as you hover over rows.
- Improved messages to help fix custom list errors (e.g. list uploaded for BirdNET when Chirpity model is being used)
- The filename menu can now be scrolled to view and open any of the loaded audio files.
Bug Fixes
- If you analyse a daytime file with nocmig mode enabled, the analysis completes.
- Analysis is now performed in time order. Fixes #76
- Command-Q will work for other Mac applications while Chirpity is open. Fixes #75
- Sorting of results is disabled until analysis is complete. Fixes #74
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1