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Smart Grasper ROS Network, Basic Setup


This code is designed to run a rosnetwork on two devices, one of which is a Raspberry Pi 4 connected to a microcontroller, and the other of which is a laptop running a GUI and performing data acquisition.

ROS Master Setup

The laptop runs as the ROS master in this multi-device ROS network.

Platform Requirements

  • CPU with an Ubuntu 18.04 OS. If you configure the network correctly you should able to run the ROS master on a virtual machine.

Installation Requirements

  • Install OpenCV2 (sudo apt-get install python-opencv)
  • Install opencv libraries (these libraries are for linking with C++ source code). Follow this guide. Make sure to sudo make install after following the instructions.
  • Install ROS Melodic (follow these instructions). Make sure to follow all steps.
  • Install qt5 and associated packages:
    sudo apt-install qtcreator
    sudo apt-install qt5
    sudo apt install qml-module-qtquick-controls2
    sudo apt install libqt5charts5 libqt5charts5-dev
  • Install this software to allow you to run ROS in a qt project.

ROS Slave Setup

The RPi4 runs as the ROS slave. The RPi4 is configured to communicate with the grasper's microcontroller(s) as well as the grasper's camera.

Platform Requirements:

  • Raspberry Pi 4.0
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LST operating system flashed to the RPi SD card (this distribution was used)

Installation requirements:

  • Install OpenCV2 (sudo apt-get install python-opencv)
  • Install ROS Melodic (follow these instructions). Make sure to follow all steps.
  • Enable UART on the RPi (see the official instructions or these instructions that I found helpful). Be sure to sudo apt install python-serial.

Additional Setup for Multi-Device Network

Setting up communication between RPi and Laptop

The laptop is the ROS master. To configure the network properly, you first must set up a static IP address for the laptop and RPi (see here if you are unfamiliar with setting this up).

Next disable the firewall on the RPi and laptop (sudo ufw disable). To see if you can communicate with the RPi and laptop, ping both devices.

On the laptop, open ~/.bashrc and add the following:

export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311/

where LAPTOP_IP_ADDR is the static ip address of the laptop you configured earlier.

Now, on the RPi, open ~/.bashrc and add the following:

export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://$LAPTOP_IP_ADDR:11311/

where LAPTOP_IP_ADDR is the static ip address of the laptop you configured earlier and RPI_IP_ADDR is the static ip address of the RPi you configured earlier.

Synchronizing RPi's clock with laptop

To synchronize the RPi4's clock with the laptop, sudo apt-get install chrony and then add this line to /etc/chrony/chrony.conf:

server <c1> minpoll 0 maxpoll 5 maxdelay .05

Where <cl> is the name of the laptop

Building and Launching the Network

ROS Master

  • In rosnetwork_master/catkin_ws, run catkin_make.
  • Source rosnetwork_master/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash. Add this to your ~/.bashrc for convience.
  • In a terminal start the master (run roscore).
  • Open qtcreator (run qtcreator &).
  • Select to open an existing project and open grasper-gui/ From here the project should be configured such that you can edit/run/debug.

ROS Slave

  • In rosnetwork_slave/catkin_ws, run catkin_make.
  • Source rosnetwork_slave/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash. Add this to your ~/.bashrc for convience.
  • Assuming roscore is running on the master device, start running the serial node (rosrun serial_pkg This will capture serial messages and package them as ROS messages and send any received serial requests across the UART line.
  • To capture camera footage, start running the camera node (rosrun camer_pkg

SW Documentation

High Level Overview

Real time microcontrollers are used at low level to interact with the system’s hardware components. An RPi interacts with these microcontrollers, through which user interaction takes place. A laptop runs a GUI that allows a user to view sensor information and send requests to the hardware. The laptop also allows to a more permanent location.

ROS Messages

Custom messages are designed to pass information around from the serial node. The following messages are currently defined in rosnetwork_master/catkin_ws/src/grasper_msg/msg:

  • ImpedanceDataMessage, ThermistorMessage, UltrasonicDataMessage, PulseOxRxMessage, PhaseAngleMessage: Similar message structures, contains a timestamped chunk of data that would be packaged and sent up from the microcontroller.
  • MotorMessageFeedback: Contains a timestamped force and position measurement.
  • SensorRequestMessage: Contains flags for enabling different sensors (aside from sensors owned by the grasper's motor controller) as well as an "index" associated with the sensor measurement that may be used signal different modes (to be used by the microcontroller). This message type is sent by the GUI node.
  • MotorRequestMessage: Contains a desired force and whether or not the motor controller should be active. This message type is sent by the GUI node.

Along with these custom messages, generic "bool" messages are sent by nodes to signal to other nodes that they are running. The serial node, for example, will send out a message at a perscribed rate to signify that the serial node is running and not in a fail state so that this information may be processed and displayed by the GUI.

Adding Another Custom ROS Message

Persumabely in the future, we would like to modify the network and serial handler to handle different messages. The following describes how to add a ROS message to the grasper_msg ROS package and how to add a listener callback to the serial node to receive data when a message with a matching unique ID matches that of the message.

  • Add a new .msg file to rosnetwork_master/catkin_ws/src/grasper_msg/msg.
  • Add the file to the add_message_files section in rosnetwork_master/catkin_ws/src/grasper_msg/CMakeLists.txt.
  • If you want this message to be used to receive data from the teensy, in rosnetwork_slave/catkin_ws/src/serial_pkg/src/, make a new handler class with __init__ and __call__ functions. In the receiveHandlers dict, add the handler id mapped to the handler class.
  • If you want to send data from the teensy, in rosnetwork_slave/catkin_ws/src/serial_pkg/src/, add a new subscriber. Pass in the custom message you defined as well as a function you define in the SerialNode class below __init__.
  • Run catkin_make in rosnetwork_master/catkin_ws and rosnetwork_slave/catkin_ws (! important, the grasper_msg directory in rosnetwork_slave is a symbolic link to that in rosnetwork_slave !).

Alternatively, if instead of creating an RX callback you want to send a ROS message across the serial node, assuming you have created a message do the following:

  • In rosnetwork_slave/catkin_ws/src/serial_pkg/src/, add a function that receives a ROS message and packages it into an array of bytes (use struct.pack for simplicity).
  • In the same file, add a subscriber in the SerialNode's __init__ function. You can then connect to this when the network is running and messages published will be sent to the microcontroller.

Serial Parser

The serial node utilizes a serial parser to parse and construct serial messages. The serial parser by default connects to /dev/ttyS0. The serial parser is defined by the state machine as shown below.

The state machine parses the following message structure:

Starting offset (bytes) Length (bytes) Name Description
0 1 Head byte high First of two head bytes
1 1 Head byte low Second head byte
2 2 Length 16 bit length of the message in little endian, expected to be between [0, 2**16)
4 1 Type Unique message identifier, expected to be an element in the receiveHandlers dict
5 Length (n) Data The actual data
6 + n 2 CRC16 CRC value in little endian, checksumming the entire messsage (excluding head bytes)

The serial node uses this parser to interpret messages sent by the microcontroller. See Adding Another Custom ROS Message for information on how to interact with the serial node.

GUI SW Architecture Documentation

The GUI currently runs in Qt with ROS support to allow the GUI to interact with the serial node and eventually a camera node. The GUI has been defined to meet the following requirements:

  • Display any sensor measurement data. This data shall be received by subscribing to the various data publishers that are created by the serial node.
  • Graph any selected sensor measurement data.
  • Select which sensors to run. This data must be requisitioned and passed into the ROS network to be sent to the microcontroller by the serial node. Furthermore, an id shall be associated with a sensor measurement request that shall be used by sensors to go into particular modes.
  • Easily "select all" sensors at once.
  • Easily input a particular desired motor force to be used by the microcontroller's force controller.
  • Have logic behind which switches shall be enabled and which shall be disabled depending on the current state of the GUI and system.
  • Have the ability to display different types of errors. In particular, a "critical" and "noncritical" error shall be allowed to be constructed by various parts of the software and a global error handler shall correctly handle the queueing of errors based on severity and timestamp.
  • Display camera data.
  • Have an easy to use interface for testing the smart grasper in a surgical setting.

This GUI is seperate from any data collection service. Data collection shall be handled by another program.

GUI State Machine

A state machine that moderates the high functionality of the GUI is shown in an image below. This state logic is defined at the top of grasper-gui/qml/HomeScreen.qml

The following holds true about the following states:

  • Hidden: In this state, some screen other than the home screen with all current functionality is shown.
  • No sensors running: In this state, the motor controller is not running. Because this is true, none of the other sensors should be collecting data. As such, all the measurement buttons are disabled (except the "RUN ALL SENSORS" button).
  • Run all sensors pressed: In this state, the individual measurements are toggled on and disabled. As such you must toggle the "RUN ALL SENSORS" button to exit this state. In this state, the motor controller is also automatically enabled and the buttons associated with turning on/off the motor controller are disabled (rendering the motor controller in a perminent on state until the "RUN ALL SENSORS" button has been pressed).
  • Motor controller running: In this state, the motor controller is running and measurements may be toggled or untoggled (these buttons are enabled). Furthermore, the desired force slider may be used to specify the desired force for the motor controller.
  • Error: In this state all measurement buttons are disabled until the errors are resolved (in which case the machine starts again at the "no sensors running" state).

Note that in any state except the hidden state, the user may select a measurement to graph and a "index" associated with a measurement request (see sensor control panel in screenshots below).

GUI Screenshots of Various States

This is an example of how a critical error is handled on the GUI that may be acknowledged and hidden. Those that cannot be hidden (for example, if the serial node is disconnected) don't have the "OK" button. Note that the sensor control and motor control panels have been disabled while this error is active.

Next is a screenshot of the grasper running under normal operation (without the camera node running). The user must first select the "close" button to engage the grasper jaw motor controller, then has selected to measure pulse ox and temperature. Force and jaw position are automatically measured when the motor controller is engaged. This screenshot is taken when the data mock script is running, which just mocks the serial node by creating a bunch of publishers for each measurement that the GUI can subscribe to (run rosrun sensor_pkg

Next is a screenshot of the GUI running with temperature selected to be graphed. Any of the measurements on the lower right of the screen may be selected and displayed on the upper right graph.

Next is a screenshot of the GUI running the "RUN ALL SENSORS" button selected. When in this mode, it can be seen that all sensor buttons are disabled as they are all perminently selected until the "RUN ALL SENSORS" button has been toggled off.


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