This is a draft for integrating remote processes as COBalD Pools.
Connect to an individual remote controller, or one or several remote pools. For example, locally in a multi-process environment or distributed in a cluster.
The idea is to have "template" objects that specify the connection,
e.g. TCP(host='', port=1337)
These generic objects allow to create specific connections for either
one controller, one pool or many pools.
This could use Template.type as for the Controller.s
or a Type(Template)
We could also use just >> Pool
, Controller >>
and for pool in pools:
# constructor
Controller(TCP('cobald_host', 12781).pool)
TCP('cobald_host', 12781).controller(pool)
# operator
controller >> TCP('cobald_host', 12781)
TCP('cobald_host', 12781) >> pool
for pool in TCP('cobald_host', 12781):
Possible variants for connections:
- Protocol: JSON, binary (BSON)
- Transport: TCP, IPC/Pipe, SSH?
- Security: SSL/TCP, HMAC/*, SSH/SSH
We basically always need Protocol + Connection, but may want one/multiple Security inserts.
The current Transport architecture and usage allows adding arbitrary wrappers using binary protocols.
So we could have Security as something like JSON(HMAC(SSL(TCP(...))))
from cobald.remote import JSON, SSL, TCP # operator based binding/pipes controller >> JSON >> SSL >> TCP('cobald_host', 12781) controller >> JSON + SSL + TCP('cobald_host', 12781) # parameter based factory controller >> TCP('cobald_host', 12781, protocol=JSON, auth=SSL) # explicit type wrappers controller >> JSON(SSL(TCP('cobald_host', 12781)))