pages build and deployment #1
1 error and 1 warning
Build with Jekyll
Logging at level: debug Configuration file: /github/workspace/./_config.yml GitHub Pages: github-pages v228 GitHub Pages: jekyll v3.9.3 Theme: jekyll-theme-primer Theme source: /usr/local/bundle/gems/jekyll-theme-primer-0.6.0 Requiring: jekyll-github-metadata Requiring: jekyll-seo-tag Requiring: jekyll-feed Requiring: jekyll-sitemap Requiring: jemoji Requiring: jekyll-coffeescript Requiring: jekyll-commonmark-ghpages Requiring: jekyll-gist Requiring: jekyll-github-metadata Requiring: jekyll-paginate Requiring: jekyll-relative-links Requiring: jekyll-optional-front-matter Requiring: jekyll-readme-index Requiring: jekyll-default-layout Requiring: jekyll-titles-from-headings GitHub Metadata: Initializing... Source: /github/workspace/. Destination: /github/workspace/./_site Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental Generating... EntryFilter: excluded / EntryFilter: excluded / EntryFilter: excluded /docker-compose.yml EntryFilter: excluded /package.json EntryFilter: excluded /Dockerfile EntryFilter: excluded / EntryFilter: excluded /bin EntryFilter: excluded /purgecss.config.js EntryFilter: excluded /LICENSE EntryFilter: excluded /Gemfile EntryFilter: excluded / EntryFilter: excluded / EntryFilter: excluded /package-lock.json Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _posts/ Reading: _news/ Reading: _news/ Reading: _news/ Reading: _projects/ Reading: _projects/ Reading: _projects/ Reading: _projects/ Reading: _projects/ Reading: _projects/ Generating: JekyllOptionalFrontMatter::Generator finished in 0.000161768 seconds. Generating: JekyllReadmeIndex::Generator finished in 8.6064e-05 seconds. Jekyll Feed: Generating feed for posts Generating: JekyllFeed::Generator finished in 0.00082602 seconds. Generating: Jekyll::JekyllSitemap finished in 0.002324179 seconds. Generating: Jekyll::Paginate::Pagination finished in 5.841e-06 seconds. Generating: JekyllRelativeLinks::Generator finished in 0.00087846 seconds. Generating: JekyllDefaultLayout::Generator finished in 0.000475764 seconds. Generating: JekyllTitlesFromHeadings::Generator finished in 7.893e-05 seconds. Rendering: _posts/ Pre-Render Hooks: _posts/ Rendering Markup: _posts/ Requiring: kramdown-parser-gfm Rendering Layout: _posts/ Layout source: site github-pages 228 | Error: Liquid syntax error (line 59): Unknown tag 'toc'
Build with Jekyll
github-pages can't satisfy your Gemfile's dependencies.
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.