This directory contains a few ansible playbooks used to automate the setup of an operating system
Each one of these playbooks has settings that can be edited to tweak your needs. These variables and settings can be found in this directory as well as the group_vars directory. You will need to edit several files. Templates have been provided. Once all files have been properly modified, see how to run
ansible-galaxy role install -r requirements.yml
ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml
This file contains the info about each machine you plan on configuring. Each entry must map to one in ssh-config.local. There are several types of machines, each for each type of playbook. You may want to configure the ansible_user and ansible_become_pass for each machine
cp ./hosts.local.template ./hosts.local
vim ./hosts.local
This file contains the ssh connection information about each machine you plan on configuring. At a minimum, you must change the hostname and ip address of each machine.
cp ./ssh-config.local.template ./ssh-config.local
vim ./ssh-config.local
This file contains the configurable settings for the playbooks. Settings such as repos, programs and other sort of things will be defined in this file.
cp ./group_vars/all.yml ./group_vars/all.local.yml
vim ./group_vars/all.yml
This is the ansible vault that contains sensitive data. This includes the ansible_become_pass, user passwords, passwords to mount files, and many other items. Read more about vaults here
cp ./group_vars/vault.yml ./group_vars/vault.local.yml
ansible-vault encrypt ./group_vars/vault.local.yml
ansible-vault edit ./group_vars/vault.local.yml
Once all the config files have been modified, you should run these playbooks from the ansible directory:
ansible-playbook playbooks/example.yml
Note, if you do not want to enter the vault password, you can create a
.vault_pass file and uncomment the following line to ansible.cfg under [defaults]
vault_password_file = ./.vault_pass