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Matthew Ettler edited this page Dec 27, 2018 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the gardner_keeper wiki!


Well it's basically an image annotation tool. The idea is to try and incentivize people to annotate for less than a mechanical turk. I plan on creating many annotating modes, and then try implementing them in various ways (i.e. maybe try to make a game out of it, maybe create another than allows users to "confirm" an action such as an important delete)


I can do what I want! And I want my wife and friends to help me train data without installing or using crappy software. Seriously it's 2018 object detection is so important it should basically be free, we'll get there one day.


There are many planned modes, currently only one is actually functional. The ideal state would be turn this into a library of webcomponents and create a few different applications using them in various ways. I think that will be the most user friendly way of implementing them.

Mode Status
Pepper - Not Pepper Functional
Puzzle Not started
Tiles WIP
Pep Tap WIP
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