Copy code with filename and line number, customized format.
Copy with linenumber.
Copy markdown format. Use keybinding arguments.
- extension.copyCodeBlock: copy cursor line or selections by specified format.
"key": "alt+j alt+1",
"command": "extension.copyCodeBlock",
"formatName": "default"
"key": "alt+j alt+2",
"command": "extension.copyCodeBlock",
"formatName": "markdown"
"default": [
"formatName": "default",
"codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}",
"codeBlockFooterFormat": "",
"codeLineFormat": "${LINENUMBER}: ${CODE}${EOL}",
"multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
"multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
"forcePathSeparatorSlash": false,
"forceSpaceIndent": false
"formatName": "markdown",
"codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}```${languageId}${EOL}",
"codeBlockFooterFormat": "```${EOL}",
"codeLineFormat": "${CODE}${EOL}",
"multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
"multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
"forcePathSeparatorSlash": true,
"forceSpaceIndent": true
The formats can be added and edited. You can use it by specifying "formatName" with "args" parameter of key binding.
parameter name | description | type | default value |
formatName | keybinding "args" "formatName" | string | "" |
codeBlockHeaderFormat | Specifies the format of the code block footer lines. | string | "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}" |
codeBlockFooterFormat | Code block footer format. The available tokens are the same as codeBlockHeaderFormat." | string | "" |
codeLineFormat | The available tokens are the following in addition to codeBlockHeaderFormat. | string | "${LINENUMBER}: ${CODE}${EOL}" |
multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks | If true is specified, multiple selections will generate multiple code blocks. | boolean | false |
multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat | Delimiter when "multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks" is set to true. | string | "---${EOL}" |
forcePathSeparatorSlash | Forcibly replace path separator with slash. | boolean | false |
forceSpaceIndent | Force space indentation. | boolean | false |
token name | description | example |
${fullPath} | File full path. | e:\Works\vscode-copy-code-block\src\copy-code-block.ts |
${workspaceFolderRelativePath} | WorkspaceFolder relative path. | src\copy-code-block.ts |
${fileBasename} | Filename. | copy-code-block.ts |
${fileExtname} | File extension. | .ts |
${fileExtnameWithoutDot} | File extension without '.'. | ts |
${fileBasenameWithoutExtension} | Filename without extension. | copy-code-block |
${workspaceFolder} | workspaceFolder | e:\Works\vscode-copy-code-block |
${fileDirname} | File dir name. | e:\Works\vscode-copy-code-block\src |
${pathSeparator} | Path separator. Affected by 'forcePathSeparatorSlash' option. | \ |
${osPathSeparator} | It is not affected by 'forcePathSeparatorSlash' option | \ |
${pathParse.root} | node.js path.parse() 'root' | e:\ |
${pathParse.dir} | node.js path.parse() 'dir' | e:\Works\vscode-copy-code-block\src |
${pathParse.base} | node.js path.parse() 'base' | copy-code-block.ts |
${pathParse.ext} | node.js path.parse() 'ext' | .ts |
${} | node.js path.parse() 'name' | copy-code-block |
${languageId} | Language identified by vscode. | typescript |
${topLineNumber} | The start of the selection or the line number of the cursor. | 10 |
${YYYY} | Current 4-digit year. | 2018 |
${MM} | Current month. "01"-"12" | 03 |
${DD} | Current day. "01"-"31" | 28 |
${HH} | Current hour. "00"-"23" | 00 |
${mm} | Current minutes. "00"-"59" | 45 |
${ss} | Current secound. "00"-"59" | 04 |
${osEOL} | OS-dependent end of line characters. | \r\n |
${EOL} | end of line characters on vscode. | \r\n |
${LF} | LF character. | \n |
${CRLF} | CR LF characters. | \r\n |
"formatName": "default",
"codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}",
"codeBlockFooterFormat": "",
"codeLineFormat": "${LINENUMBER}: ${CODE}${EOL}",
"multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
"multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
"forcePathSeparatorSlash": false,
"forceSpaceIndent": false
10: export const packaged_commands: { [ key: string ]: ( args: any ) => void } = {
11: [ COPY_CODE_BLOCK ]: ( option: any ) => {
12: copyCodeBlock( option )
13: }
14: }
"formatName": "markdown",
"codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}:${topLineNumber}${EOL}```${languageId}${EOL}",
"codeBlockFooterFormat": "```${EOL}",
"codeLineFormat": "${CODE}${EOL}",
"multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
"multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
"forcePathSeparatorSlash": true,
"forceSpaceIndent": true
export const packaged_commands: { [ key: string ]: ( args: any ) => void } = {
[ COPY_CODE_BLOCK ]: ( option: any ) => {
copyCodeBlock( option )
"formatName": "html",
"codeBlockHeaderFormat": "${fullPath}(${topLineNumber})${EOL}<pre><codde>${EOL}",
"codeBlockFooterFormat": "</code></pre>${EOL}",
"codeLineFormat": "${CODE}${EOL}",
"multipleSelectionCreateMultipleCodeBlocks": false,
"multipleSelectionsBoundalyMarkerFormat": "---${EOL}",
"forcePathSeparatorSlash": true,
"forceSpaceIndent": true
export const packaged_commands: { [ key: string ]: ( args: any ) => void } = {
[ COPY_CODE_BLOCK ]: ( option: any ) => {
copyCodeBlock( option )
This extension was inspired by the Copy With Line Numbers.